Role-Based Access Control

ISBN 1-58053-370-1
David F. Ferraiolo, D. Richard Kuhn, and Ramaswamy Chandramouli
338 pages.

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a security mechanism that can greatly lower the cost and complexity of security administration for large networked applications. RBAC simplifies security administration by using roles, hierarchies, and constraints to organize privileges. This book explains these components of RBAC, as well as how to support and administer RBAC in a networked environment and how to integrate it with existing infrastructure.

Because role hierarchies and role engineering are crucial to RBAC, you learn how to effectively implement them to ensure total access control. Specialized topics covered in detail include separation of duties, combining RBAC with military security models, and recent efforts toward standardization. This book also guides you through the various RBAC products available on the market and along the migration path to deploying RBAC for enterprise-wide security.

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