Elastic and related transport cross sections for (H)+ + Kr


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Following the general procedures outlined in our previous papers which provided theoretical differential and integral elastic and related transport (momentum transfer and viscosity) cross sections for collisions among various isotopic combinations of H+,, H, and H2, He, Ar, and C, tabulated here are similar data for H+ + Kr, for center of mass collisions energies between 0.1 and 10,000 eV.

In brief, the calculations were performed by solving the radial Schrodinger equation for each partial wave component on the ground state singlet adiabatic electronic eigenenergy curves. This state is the ground state energy curve of KrH+ which correlate asymptotically (separated atoms limit) to Kr. The potential we used as our starting point in the present calculations were calculated by computational chemistru code NWChem, using Coupled Cluster Singles-Doubles-Triples (CCSDT) calculations, in interval of internuclear distances 0.1- 25 a.u., (6s5p3d1f) for Kr (49 functions) and (3s2p1d) for H (15 functions).

In order to obtain convergence in partial waves (impact parameter) for low energy elastic scattering, we extended these potential energy curves to larger distances by fitting them to the dipole polarization potential (dipole polarizability from Reference 6).

Much as in our previous calculations, the radial integration was carried out using Johnson's logarithmic derivative method, beginning the integration at an internuclear separation of 0.1 a.u. and with a step of 0.0001 a.u., and then matching the solution to plane waves at 500 a.u. Convergence in partial waves is monitored until the partial amplitude, al, satisfies 1-Re(al) < 10-6 and Im(al) < 10-6 for 20 consecutive values of l. The elastic differential cross section is computed at 768 angles between 0 and pi, to facilitate Gauss-Legendre integration and to assure that all the oscillations of the differential cross section are represented accurately enough to assure convergence during this integration. The procedure is repeated for 51 energies spanning the center of mass collision energy range of 0.1-10,000 eV.

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The results for collisions among all isotopic combinations of hydrogen ions, atoms, and molecules are described in the following references and here. The data form the basis for a volume of recommended elastic and transport related cross sections (reference 1), and many details of the calculations, their physical interpretation, and their inter-relationships are detailed in references 2-4.

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Data tables

Integral Cross Sections

The statistically averaged (see explanation above) elastic integral cross section, momentum transfer cross section, and viscosity cross section are given in the following table as a function of center of mass collision energy (from 0.1 to 10,000 eV). The cross sections are given in atomic units (i.e. 1 a.u. of cross section = [Bohr radius]2 = 2.80028 * 10-17 cm2). The center of mass energies are given by the following formula, ECM = 10(0.1*n - 1) eV, in order to uniformly span logarithmically the range of 0.1 to 10,000 eV.

Differential Cross Sections

The statistically averaged (see explanation above) elastic differential cross section are given in the files below for 31 center of mass collision energies from 0.1 to 10,000 eV. The first column in each files give the center of mass scattering angle in radians (at 768 values) and the second column gives the differential cross section multiplied by 2 pi sin(theta) in atomic units (i.e. 1 a.u. = [Bohr radius]2/srad = 2.80028 * 10-17 cm2/srad). The center of mass energies are given by the following formula, ECM = 10(0.1*n - 1) eV, in order to uniformly span logarithmically the range of 0.1 to 10,000 eV.

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