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Electronic Journals Alphabetically

Electronic Journals by Subject


Analytical sciences
v. 1 (1985)- Full-text
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry
Carbon Balance and Management
v.1 (2006)- Full-text
Dalton transactions
1997- Full-text RSS
Journal of chromatography B
v.766 (2002)- Full-text
Journal of physical and chemical reference data
v.28 (1999)- Full-text RSS
Journal of physical chemistry. C
v.111 (2007)- Full-text
Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
v.100 (1995)- Full-text
Nuclear fusion
v.32 (1992)- Full-text RSS
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS): Chemical sciences
v.86 (1977)- Full-text
Coverage varies. A gateway to authoritative selected science information provided by U.S. Government agencies, including research and development results.
Zeitschrift fuer naturforschung B
v.57b (2002)-v.58b (2003) Full-text

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