The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

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SAMHSA Grant Awards By State FY 2007
Discretionary Funds in Detail

Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)


Program: Campus Suicide SM057864
Congressional District: WY-00
FY 2007 Funding: $74,681
Project Period: 09/30/2006 - 09/29/2009
The University of Wyoming (UW) Lifesavers Initiative aims to prevent suicide and suicide attempts via a comprehensive, collaborative, and coordinated approach that consists of education, training, outreach, and support. Key components include: (1) formation of a campus-community coalition; (2) educational strategies targeting the entire UW population; and (3) gatekeeper trainings to identify individuals at risk of suicide and refer to services. The target populations for the UW Lifesavers Initiative are students and gatekeepers, including: Residence Assistants, faculty, staff, athletic coaches and trainers, chaplainry, dean of students office, student government representatives, peer educators, law enforcement, Student Health Service personnel, graduate teaching assistants, multicultural affairs staff, parents, and families. However, as a public land-grant institution, it is part of UW's mission to serve as a resource for the entire state. Therefore, the target population will broaden in scope each year of the grant funding cycle, as follows. Year 1: Students and gatekeepers at UW in Laramie; Year 2: Year 1 target population + Wyoming Technical Institute and Laramie County Community College in Albany County; Year 3: Years 1 & 2 target populations + six more community colleges and one tribal college.
Grantee: UPLIFT Cheyenne, WY
Program: Statewide Family Networks SM057910
Congressional District: WY-00
FY 2007 Funding: $70,000
Project Period: 09/30/2007 - 09/29/2010
UPLIFT, a non-profit organization for families of children with emotional,behavioral, and learning disorders, will continue to work to advance Wyoming's system of care for children's mental health through expansion of their organizational infrasturucture, leadership capacity and youth leadership acitivities. UPLIFT is Wyoming's Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health and is partnering with the Wyoming Department of Health to implement activites of the Wyoming SAGE Initiative. Through funds from this program announcement, UPLIFT"s Family Outreach Program will expand its infrastructure develpment activities to increase their capacity to assist famiies and youth to participate in activities and policy development related to children's mental health and increase the number of Wyoming families and youth who will have the opportunity to become transformative agents of change for children's mental health.
Program: Child Mental Health Initiative SM057028
Congressional District: WY-00
FY 2007 Funding: $1,997,980
Project Period: 09/30/2005 - 09/29/2011
The Wyoming Department of Health, Mental Health Division is collaborating with the Wyoming Departments of Education and Family Services, as well as Wyoming's Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health (UPLIFT) and the Wyoming Association of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Centers (WAMHSAC) to develop and implement a statewide-shared vision for a Child Mental Health Initiative. Federal funds are being sought for infrastructure development and service provision to continue in our process of improving the System of Care (SOC) for children with serious emotional disturbance and their families. Our Child Mental Health Initiative will support a strong focus on infrastructure development in year one, which will involve the further development of plans to implement a shared SOC vision for our State. Wyoming's Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health (UPLIFT) will play a key role in harnessing the strengths of youths and families in this initiative at the State, regional, local, and care team levels.
Program: State Data Infrastructure Grants (2007) SM058081
Congressional District: WY-00
FY 2007 Funding: $142,200
Project Period: 09/30/2007 - 09/29/2010
We are modifying our system to expand the collection of the URS tables and NOMs outcome measures. The Data Infrastructure Grant will enable us to collect system level performance measures and client level outcomes and enhance our Quality Leadership process. In addition, we are in the process of implementing a new management information system (MIS). We are also developing and implementing a performance and outcome measurement system to assess client improvement and system performance over time. This project will continue to support our efforts to collect, manage, and report mental health and substance abuse data. We are in the process of adding the capacity to collect the NOMs to understand client level outcomes at the local, regional, and statewide levels.
Program: Youth Suicide Prevention & Early Intervention - Cooperative Agreement State-Sponsored SM057829
Congressional District: WY-00
FY 2007 Funding: $400,000
Project Period: 09/30/2006 - 09/29/2009
The mission of the Wyoming Youth Suicide Prevention (WYSP) Initiative is to reduce the rate of suicidality among Wyoming youth aged 10-24. WYSP has five key objectives: (1) statewide coordination; (2) school-based programming; (3) community-based prevention; (4) pilot programs for high-risk groups; and (5) anti-stigma//public awareness. The project targets Native American youth and college students. Most of the grant funds will be used to provide direct program services. The project will organize a public/private Wyoming Youth Suicide Prevention Advisory Council (WYSPAC). In collaboration with the existing State Suicide Prevention Task Force and the Wyoming Suicide Prevention Initiative, WYSPAC will also advise and consult in the development, implementation, and evaluation of Wyoming State Suicide Prevention Plan goals and in the administration and evaluation of the objectives and programs set forth in the grant.

Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP)

Program: Drug Free Communities SP013856
Congressional District: WY-00
FY 2007 Funding: $94,514
Project Period: 09/30/2006 - 09/29/2011
The grantee will: (1) reduce substance abuse among youth and over time, among adults by addressing factors in the community that increase the risk of substance abuse and promote factors to minimize the risk of substance abuse; (2) establish and strengthen citizen participation and collaboration among communities, nonprofit agencies, and federal, state, local, and tribal governments to support community efforts to deliver effective substance use prevention strategies for youth; (3) use the Strategic Prevention Framework of evidence based prevention strategies to assess needs, build capacity, plan, implement and evaluate community prevention initiatives; and (4) assess and report on the effectiveness of community prevention initiatives to reduce age of onset of any drug use, frequency of use in the past 30 days, increased perception of risk or harm, and increased perception of disapproval of use by peers and adults.
Program: Drug Free Communities SP011598
Congressional District: WY-00
FY 2007 Funding: $100,000
Project Period: 09/30/2005 - 09/29/2009
The grantee will: (1) Reduce substance abuse among youth and, over time, among adults by addressing the factors in a community that increase the risk of substance abuse and promoting the factors that minimize the risk of substance abuse and; (2) Establish and strengthen community anti-drug coalitions.
Program: Drug Free Communities SP013072
Congressional District: WY-00
FY 2007 Funding: $100,000
Project Period: 09/30/2005 - 09/29/2010
The grantee will: (1) reduce substance abuse among youth and over time, among adults by addressing factors in the community that increase the risk of substance abuse and promote factors to minimize the risk of substance abuse; (2) establish and strengthen citizen participation and collaboration among communities, nonprofit agencies, and federal, state, local, and tribal governments to support community efforts to deliver effective substance use prevention strategies for youth; (3) use the Strategic Prevention Framework of evidence based prevention strategies to assess needs, build capacity, plan, implement and evaluate community prevention initiatives; and (4) assess and report on the effectiveness of community prevention initiatives to reduce age of onset of any drug use, frequency of use in the past 30 days, increased perception of risk or harm, and increased perception of disapproval of use by peers and adults.
Program: Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grants SP011176
Congressional District: WY-00
FY 2007 Funding: $2,350,965
Project Period: 09/30/2004 - 09/29/2009
The Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grants are used to advance community-based programs for substance abuse prevention, mental health promotion, and mental illness prevention. The SPF SIG implements a five-step process known to promote youth development, reduce risk-taking behaviors, build on assets, and prevent problem behaviors. The five steps are: (1) conduct needs assessments; (2) build state and local capacity; (3) develop a comprehensive strategic plan; (4) implement evidence-based prevention policies, programs and practices; and (5) monitor and evaluate program effectiveness, sustaining what has worked well. These grants will allow the programs to provide leadership, technical support and monitoring to ensure that participating communities are successful. The success of the grants will be measured by specific measurable outcomes, among them: abstinence from drug use and alcohol abuse, reduction in substance abuse-related crime, attainment of employment or enrollment in school, increased stability in family and living conditions, increased access to services, and increased social connectedness. Wyoming will establish a State Epidemiological Workgroup and a Regional Community Coordinator System; implement evidence-based prevention programs in communities; modify programs, policies, practices, and strategic plans based on the annual collection of data; and develop a data-driven decision making framework to address program sustainability, effectiveness, and funding issues.

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)

Program: Juvenile Drug Courts TI017538
Congressional District: WY-00
FY 2007 Funding: $133,236
Project Period: 09/30/2006 - 09/29/2009
The Big Horn Juvenile Drug Court (BHJDC), with supplemental funding of the Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, will obtain the necessary resources to address the participant's chemical use along with any correlating mental and physical problems. Grant funds will be used to ensure consistent and thorough biopsychosocial assessments and chemical dependency evaluations so that the most appropriate services for the youth and parents can be provided at an early stage. Participants will be held accountable through intensive supervision and frequent urinalysis. The BHJDC treats non-violent adjudicated youth from the ages of 13 to 17 years. BHJDC plans to serve 20 youth during the first year of the grant, 25 in the second year and 25 in the third year for a total of 70 youth in 3 years.

Last Update: 3/4/2008