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U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration





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Regional Activities


The Propeller Club of the United States Adopt-A-Ship Program



This web site, a joint effort of The Propeller Club of the United States and the Maritime Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation, supports the teachers and ship crews that are participating in the Adopt-A-Ship program of The Propeller Club.  Each ship involved in the program is adopted by a classroom each school year.  During the year, the class and the ship's crew correspond and share experiences.  The plan fosters interests in geography, history, math, science, transportation, foreign and domestic trade, and English.  It affords children an outlet for natural interests in the sea and teaches them something of the steadfast character of the men and women of the American Merchant Marine.

Propeller Club Logo

The web site offers an opportunity for all of the teachers and students (Grades 5-8) involved to share their experiences with other schools and ships.  Teachers are encouraged to share their curricular activities through this site and assist other teachers in enriching their curriculum.

About the Program

        yellow bullet  About the U.S. Propeller Club's Adopt-A-Ship Program

        yellow bullet  How to Adopt a Ship

        yellow bullet  A Listing of Schools and Adopted Ships

        yellow bullet  Propeller Club and Maritime Administration Agreement

Resource Materials  

       yellow bullet  A " How To " Manual for Teachers

       yellow bullet  Suggested Assignments for Use in the Classroom

       yellow bullet  Careers in Transportation

       yellow bullet  Glossary of Maritime Terms                   

       yellow bullet   Ship Gallery

       yellow bullet  Word Search

       yellow bullet  Crossword Puzzle

       yellow bullet  See a Ship Layout

       yellow bullet  Related Educational/Career Oriented Websites

Life at Sea

        yellow bullet  Experiences of Captains

        yellow bullet  Life Aboard Ship

        yellow bullet  Sea Chantey

Share Your Thoughts

        yellow bullet  Teachers, Students, Ship's Personnel - Share your thoughts with others.

        yellow bullet  Read Bulletin Board of Comments - Read thoughts and materials provided.

Special Activities

        yellow bullet  Upcoming Contests and Events

Related Links   

        yellow bullet  Maritime Administration Kids Web Site

        yellow bullet  Dept. of Transportation Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Futures Program Web Site

 Home/"How To"/Glossary/Word Search/Life Aboard Ship/Captain's Experiences/Sea Chantey/About The Program/Suggested Assignments/Agreement Privacy and Disclaimer Notice Marad Seal Click to go to Propeller Club's homepage

The Maritime Administration and the U.S. Propeller Club is currently accepting comments and suggestions regarding a redesign of the look and the content of this home page. We need your help! Please e-mail comments and suggestions to WEBMASTER. Thank You.


This site last updated June 2005

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Last Updated: October 05, 2004
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