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MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer Data Archive 2 (PDS)


Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)

Time span: 1999-08-15 to 2006-10-16

Ancillary data are not needed for the proper use of these data


This data set contains observations acquired by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) on board the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft. This data set (PDS ID MGS-M-TES-3-TSDR-V2.0) is version 2 of the initial (MGS-M-TES-3-TSDR-V1.0) data and supercedes the version 1 data set. The version 1 data volumes are MGST_0001 through MGST_0226, NSSDC ID 1996-062A-02A (PSPG-00178). Version 2 volumes start with MGST_1xxx. The version 2 release is necessitated by several improvements that the TES Team has made to the version 1 data set throughout the mapping phase of the MGS mission. New version 2 data and version 2 data superceding version 1 data are being processed and received, for a detailed explanation, index of version 1 and 2 volumes, and to access the data online, see:

These volumes contain TES time sequential data records (TSDR). TES-TSDR Standard Products contain raw and calibrated thermal IR radiance spectra, visual and thermal bolometric radiance measurements, and atmospheric and surface properties derived from this data. Also included are the parameters that describe each observation, some downlinked diagnostic information, and pointing and positional information derived from the projects's SPICE kernels.

The TES data is divided into 10 tables (OBS, RAD, BOL, GEO, POS, TLM, IFG, CMP, ATM, LMB). Each table is stored in a separate file as a PDS TABLE structure sorted time-sequentially, using fixed-length binary records, with extensions to handle the variable length spectra. Every record is stored with the spacecraft time, and related records can be retrieved from each table using time as a common key. Each table file is prefixed with an ASCII header that describes the contents and format of the table, and a pointer that indicates where the binary table starts. The description identifies each column in the table, detailing its name, starting position (in bytes), size (in bytes), data type, description and scaling factors if applicable.

Software is included on this volume that will read the binary data and output columns of ASCII values. The software can also select records from the data that match the user's criteria. The software is provided in versions for several UNIX and PC platforms. The volume has been formatted according to the ISO-9660 level 1 Interchange Standard.

To order the MGS TES CD volumes see:

Alternate Names

  • MGS-M-TES-3-TSDR-V2.0


  • National Space Science Data Center
  • Planetary Data System


  • Planetary Science: Geology and Geophysics


  • 96-062A-02B

Additional Information



Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Dr. David R. Williams.



Name Role Original Affiliation E-mail
Dr. Edward A. Guinness General Contact Washington University
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