Atlas of Mars

and Viking Orbiter image-finder

Atlas of Mars This was the first (but is not not the latest and greatest, for most purposes) online atlas of Mars. It lets you choose a site by various means and will show the locations (as footprints) of thousands of high-resolution Viking Orbiter images.

The maps, though, are low resolution (16 pixels/degree). If you want high resolution or color maps or full clickability, look elsewhere.

This site:

Newer sites:

  1. Look for a list of newer non-NASA Mars atlases here in the Open Directory. Some of them have color and higher resolution. There are no plans to improve this one.
  2. Center for Mars Exploration at NASA Ames has a list of atlases and image-finders.
  3. An alternative tool for locating raw images: New Mars Navigator from PDS node at Washington University.
  4. For global projections: I also did a "virtual spacecraft" version of the Mars Atlas for the 1995 CMEX educational CD-ROM. It lets you view the globe of Mars from almost any position, with six to eight levels of zoom.
  5. If you're looking for surface images instead of orbital images: See the Viking Lander image finder at JPL.

For the latest brand-new results from Mars:

This is the wrong place to look. try:

See the Frequently Asked Questions list

Other planets

See one level up for image finders for other planets.

To use the 1994 Mars Atlas and Viking Orbiter Image Finder:

Click on the method you prefer to use for locating the area you want:

Known problems

Also: Special focus areas

Relation to our other work

This is a spin-off of the image super-resolution project at NASA Ames's Computational Sciences Division. We originally developed similar tools in Lisp to help us find, first, good test cases, and later, images of areas of interest to scientists who approached us.


[Up to Planetary Image Finders page for whole solar system]
Bob Kanefsky
Responsible NASA official: Sonie Lau