USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Washington Water Science Center

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Mark Mastin,
USGS District Water
Quality Specialist,
934 Broadway,
Suite 300
Tacoma, WA 98402

(253) 552-1609
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Moses Lake Sediment

 Moses Lake Sediment Project Page | Project Summaries | Partnerships |

Located in central Washington, Potholes Reservoir is a key feature of the Columbia Basin Project and serves as a vital source of irrigation water. Potholes Reservoir has traditionally been fed water through the East Low Canal, but due to operational changes over the years, the Bureau of Reclamation is looking for reliable alternatives to ensure an adequate portion of water supply to Potholes Reservoir. One alternative route being considered is Crab Creek, which flows into Moses Lake.

To help the Bureau of Reclamation address the concern about increased sediment loading to Moses Lake if flows are increased in Crab Creek, the USGS is providing data on past and current sediment loading to the lake to assess how changes in flow on Crab Creek may affect the rate of sedimentation in the lake.

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Page Last Modified: Friday, 04-Apr-2008 13:38:31 EDT