Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Letter
Alternative Energy News Since 1986 August 2008   Vol. XXIII   No. 8   ISSN 1080-8019

In This Issue

Up and Away: The Akoya/Hy-Bird during its maiden flight in August 2007. A video of the i.c.-engined Akoya is on Lisa-Airplanes’ home page (click on English version) www.lisa-airplanes.com.
French Planemaker Plans Around-World Flight With Small Solar-Fuel Cell “Hy-Bird”
LE BOURGET DU LAC, FRANCE - A new small French maker of recreational aircraft plans to give the big boys like Boeing a run for the money with a lightweight solar hybrid fuel cell airplane that it wants to fly around the world in 30 - give or take a few - easy stages.

New NRC H2/Fuel Cell Report is Upbeat, But More Funds, Strong Govt. Support Needed
WASHINGTON, DC - Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as well as commercial hydrogen production technologies could be ready for the Holy Grail of commercialization as early as seven years from now.

Lowdown from Down Under (Continued): Australia Looks at Solar Steam Reforming
BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA - Amplifying on plans by Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation to tap solar power for steam-reforming natural gas (See previous Part I of this report, July 2008), CSIRO’s Wes Stein estimated that scale-up and volume production advances would account for around 50% of future cost reduction, with another 50% from technical improvements.

Book Review: Planet Hydrogen: The Taming of the Proton.
Joseph Conrad notwithstanding, most of us just shouldn’t write books in languages other than our mother tongue. This new book from Icelandic physicist and long-time hydrogen advocate Thorsteinn Sigfusson is a case in point. Planet Hydrogen: The Taming of the Proton, Sigfusson’s ambitious attempt to give us a historic, scientific, and policy overview of the nascent global hydrogen economy does have its merits. Ultimately, however, it falls flat due to his less-than-perfect command of English and some sloppy editing

Briefly Noted: Beijing Olympic Fuel Cell Cars
Fighting Olympic Air Pollution: A total of 20 hydrogen fuel-cell cars are to provide zero-emission transportation services for the Beijing Olympic Games this month, China’s news agency Xinhua reports.

Briefly Noted: Three AAAS Papers
Alternatives to expensive platinum as catalytic material in fuel cells and a new solid oxide fuel cell electrolyte expected to permit near-room temperature operations were the subjects of three important reports in the July 31 issue of “Science” and “Science Express.”

Briefly Noted: QuantumSphere
QuantumSphere, Inc., a developer of advanced catalyst materials, says it has developed and is already selling advanced nano-augmented catalyst materials for electrolysis that increases the hydrogen output of electrolyzers up to three times while maintaining energy efficiency.