Detailed Weather Conditions

National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville Alabama, USA
Longitude:34°43'28" Latitude 86°38'43"
Elevation: 750 feet

Current Conditions


Last Updated: 9:45pm on 9/15/08
Outside Temperature: 64.6 °F
Today's High: 74.8 °F at 5:17pm
Lo: 64.1 °F at 7:31am
Barometric Trend: Steady
Moonrise:   6:55pm    Moonset:  6:42am
Sunrise : 6:32am   Sunset: 6:55pm
Outdoor Temperature Indoor Temperature

Current: 64.6 °F
High: 74.8 °F at 5:17pm Lo: 64.1 °F at 7:31am
Average (1-hr): 65.8 °F

Current: -1.2 °F/hr
High: 2.8 °F/hr at 1:25pm
Lo: -3.4 °F/hr at 7:37pm

Current: 64.8 °F
High: 68.1 °F at 5:50pm Lo: 60.9 °F at 2:00am
Average (1-hr): 62.4 °F

Current: 2.4 °F/hr
High: 4.8 °F/hr at 5:50pm
Lo: -1.9 °F/hr at 9:08am

Outdoor Humidity Indoor Humidity

Current: 86 %
High: 99 % at 12:00am Lo: 57 % at 5:18pm
Average (1-hr): 84 %

Current: 2.1 %/hr
High: 10.3 %/hr at 7:30pm
Lo: -11.5 %/hr at 1:30pm

Current: 1 %
High: 1 % at 12:00am Lo: 1 % at 12:00am
Average (1-hr): 1 %

Current: 0.0 %/hr
High: 0.0 %/hr at 12:00am
Lo: 0.0 %/hr at 12:00am

Dew Point Wind Chill

Current: 60.3 °F
High: 70.4 °F at 12:07am Lo: 58.4 °F at 5:26pm
Average (1-hr): 60.7 °F

Current: -0.4 °F/hr
High: 1.7 °F/hr at 10:40am
Lo: -2.2 °F/hr at 3:04pm

Current: 64.6 °F
High: 74.8 °F at 5:17pm Lo: 62.8 °F at 8:26am
Average (1-hr): 65.8 °F

Current: -1.2 °F/hr
High: 2.8 °F/hr at 1:25pm
Lo: -3.9 °F/hr at 7:36pm

Barometer Wind Direction

Current: 29.40 in
High: 29.40 in at 9:32pm Lo: 29.26 in at 2:32am
Average (1-hr): 29.39 in

Current: 0.01 in/hr
High: 0.03 in/hr at 7:10pm
Lo: -0.02 in/hr at 4:02pm

Current: N
High: 359 ° at 1:21am Lo: 0 ° at 12:57am
Average (1-hr): 342 °

Current: 71.8 °/hr
High: 259.2 °/hr at 10:25am
Lo: -317.1 °/hr at 1:23am

Wind Speed Wind Gust (10 minute intervals)

Current: 6 mph
High: 16 mph at 6:26am Lo: 0 mph at 12:01am
Average (1-hr): 6 mph

Current: -0.2 mph/hr
High: 11.1 mph/hr at 6:26am
Lo: -6.8 mph/hr at 7:44pm

Current: 9 mph
High: 16 mph at 6:26am Lo: 1 mph at 12:20am
Average (1-hr): 10 mph

Current: -0.9 mph/hr
High: 8.7 mph/hr at 6:26am
Lo: -8.4 mph/hr at 8:20pm


Rainfall (Yearly): 32.31 in
Rainfall (Daily): 0.01 in
Rainfall Rate:  0.0 in/hr


Official Observations
Huntsville International Airport (KHSV) Birmingham (KBHM)

Last Updated: mtr003KHSV
Temperature: mtr004KHSV °F
Dew Point: mtr005KHSV °F
Wind Chill: mtr016KHSV °F
Heat Index: mtr017KHSV °F
Relative Humidity: mtr006KHSV %
Pressure: mtr007KHSV in
Wind Direction: mtr008KHSV
Wind Speed: mtr009KHSV mph
Wind Gust: mtr010KHSV mph
Visibility: mtr011KHSV miles
Cloud Height: mtr012KHSV x 1000 ft
Sky Conditions: mtr013KHSV
Weather: mtr014KHSV

Last Updated: mtr003KBHM
Temperature: mtr004KBHM °F
Dew Point: mtr005KBHM °F
Wind Chill: mtr016KBHM °F
Heat Index: mtr017KBHM °F
Relative Humidity: mtr006KBHM %
Pressure: mtr007KBHM in
Wind Direction: mtr008KBHM
Wind Speed: mtr009KBHM mph
Wind Gust: mtr010KBHM mph
Visibility: mtr011KBHM miles
Cloud Height: mtr012KBHM x 1000 ft
Sky Conditions: mtr013KBHM
Weather: mtr014KBHM

Nashville; Airport (KBNA) Chattanooga (KCHA)

Last Updated: mtr003KBNA
Temperature: mtr004KBNA °F
Dew Point: mtr005KBNA °F
Wind Chill: mtr016KBNA °F
Heat Index: mtr017KBNA °F
Relative Humidity: mtr006KBNA %
Pressure: mtr007KBNA in
Wind Direction: mtr008KBNA
Wind Speed: mtr009KBNA mph
Wind Gust: mtr010KBNA mph
Visibility: mtr011KBNA miles
Cloud Height: mtr012KBNA x 1000 ft
Sky Conditions: mtr013KBNA
Weather: mtr014KBNA

Last Updated: mtr003KCHA
Temperature: mtr004KCHA °F
Dew Point: mtr005KCHA °F
Wind Chill: mtr016KCHA °F
Heat Index: mtr017KCHA °F
Relative Humidity: mtr006KCHA %
Pressure: mtr007KCHA in
Wind Direction: mtr008KCHA
Wind Speed: mtr009KCHA mph
Wind Gust: mtr010KCHA mph
Visibility: mtr011KCHA miles
Cloud Height: mtr012KCHA x 1000 ft
Sky Conditions: mtr013KCHA
Weather: mtr014KCHA

Memphis (KMEM) Atlanta (KATL)

Last Updated: 01/27/2007 06:53am
Temperature: 37.4 °F
Dew Point: 30.2 °F
Wind Chill: 34.4 °F
Heat Index: 41.0 °F
Relative Humidity: 75 %
Pressure: 30.00 in
Wind Direction: S
Wind Speed: 5 mph
Wind Gust: 5 mph
Visibility: 10 miles
Cloud Height: 15.0 x 1000 ft
Sky Conditions: Few Clouds
Weather: None reported

Last Updated: mtr003KATL
Temperature: mtr004KATL °F
Dew Point: mtr005KATL °F
Wind Chill: mtr016KATL °F
Heat Index: mtr017KATL °F
Relative Humidity: mtr006KATL %
Pressure: mtr007KATL in
Wind Direction: mtr008KATL
Wind Speed: mtr009KATL mph
Wind Gust: mtr010KATL mph
Visibility: mtr011KATL miles
Cloud Height: mtr012KATL x 1000 ft
Sky Conditions: mtr013KATL
Weather: mtr014KATL

Never make important decisions based on this information or any weather information obtained from the Internet

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Last Update 02/10/02

Responsible Official: Dr. James E. Arnold (
Page Curator: Paul J. Meyer (

Layout Last Updated: February 10, 2002