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Fact Sheet
Bureau of Diplomatic Security, U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC
November 9, 2006

Diplomatic Security: An Award-Winning Team

During the month of October 2006, the work of the Diplomatic Security staff was recognized by numerous organizations. A few examples follow.

InvestIgatIve Excellence Award:
Group AchIevement From The Federal Law Enforcement OffIcers AssocIatIon

DS Special Agent Kevin Whitson led a group of six DS Special Agents in an undercover task force targeting Indonesian criminal counterfeit syndicates involved in extensive U.S. visa fraud activities, sophisticated counterfeit document fraud, illegal immigration, production of counterfeit Indonesian passports, alien smuggling, pedophile operations, trafficking in persons, drug trafficking, gun trafficking, and money laundering. The joint DS/Indonesian National Police undercover investigation, which began in February 2005, revealed that some of these criminal Indonesian syndicates had a nexus to the terrorist network known as Al-Jama’ah Al Islamiyyah and other Muslim extremist groups operating in Southeast Asia.

The Federal Law Enforcement OffIcers AssocIatIon
InvestIgatIve Excellence Award

DS Special Agent Vincent O. Martinez III, rescued and transported to safety a Detroit woman who was being held captive in Pakistan. The woman was lured to Pakistan by individuals who promised her a lucrative job, and was then forced to marry a man and held against her will for more than a year. Special Agent Martinez personally rescued the woman, transported her to safety at the U.S. Consulate in Karachi, and arranged for her immediate return to the United States.

RisIng-Star Award From Federal Computer Week

Christopher Lukas conducted a specialized penetration test of the State Department’s security infrastructure. The test results uncovered vulnerabilities that required officials to establish new configuration schemes, change operating standards, and improve the Department’s monitoring methodology.

OutstandIng AchIevement Medal From The PhIlIppIne Government

Charles Lutz, Director of Diplomatic Security’s anti-terrorism Assistance program in the Philippines, was awarded that country’s third highest civilian honor and the fifth highest military decoration for training and advising the Philippine Anti-Terrorism Task Force. The Task Force, launched in 2005, has trained 215 students in 13 classes. This interagency program has had a positive impact on several Philippine law enforcement agencies including the Philippine National Police, National Bureau of Investigation, as well as the Bureau of Fire Protection and Bureau of Customs.

2006 GuardIan Award From The U.S. OffIce Of Personnel Management

Diplomatic Security’s Office of Personnel Security and Suitability was honored for having the top security clearance and suitability program in the federal government. The office and its programs were lauded for competence, efficiency, and effectiveness.

InvestIgators Of The Year Award From Federal Law Enforcement FoundatIon

For their outstanding achievement in overall case management and exceptional investigative skill, DS Special Agents Kendall Beels and Donnovan Williams shut down a visa fraud ring involving approximately 350 sham marriages between U.S. citizens and Chinese nationals.

November 2006

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