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Great Salt Lake Basins NAWQA GRSL NAWQA Home <--Team members

Great Salt Lake Basins NAWQA Team

U.S. Geological Survey
2329 West Orton Circle
West Valley City, UT 84119-2047

Susan Thiros GRSL NAWQA Chief sthiros@usgs.gov 801-908-5063
Steve Gerner Surface-Water Specialist sjgerner@usgs.gov 801-908-5031
Jay Cederberg Lead Hydrologic Technician cederber@usgs.gov 801-908-5017
Anne Brasher Biologist abrasher@usgs.gov 801-908-5027


Please direct questions or comments about this document to sjgerner@usgs.gov .

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URL for this document is: http://ut.water.usgs.gov/nawqa/personnel.htm


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U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
2329 Orton Circle, West Valley City, Ut, 84119
Maintainer: GS-W-UT_Web_Requests@usgs.gov
Last Modified: Wednesday, 21-Jan-2004 12:37:25 EST
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