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Comments on Rulemaking Petition:
Request for interpretive guidance on Climate Risk Disclosure

[File No. 4-547]

Comments have been received from individuals and entities using the following Letter Type A: 500
May 25, 2008 Shirley Faircloth, Oakland, California
May 24, 2008 Kathleen Labriola, Berkeley, California
May 23, 2008 Anne Mertl Millhollen, Ph.D., Eugene, Oregon
May 14, 2008 John Harrington, CEO, Harrington Investments Inc.
May 14, 2008 Nancy Herbert
May 6, 2008 Jason Griffith, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
May 6, 2008 Jeffrey Plate
May 6, 2008 James Lobdell
Apr. 15, 2008 David P. O'Connor, Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Strategic Investment Relationships and Initiatives, Delaware Investment Advisers
Feb. 8, 2008 Peter Dunscombe, Chairman, Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change
Dec. 3, 2007 C. Thomas Clapp, CFA, Executive Director and Chief Investment Officer, Sterling Capital Management LLC
Nov. 30, 2007 Stephen A. Eason, CFA, Executive Vice President, Smith Breeden Associates, Inc.
Nov. 29, 2007 David Thompson, Managing Director & Co-Chief Investment Officer, Dwight Asset Management
Nov. 29, 2007 Corey M. Amon, CFA, Director of Research, Taplin, Canida & Habacht
Nov. 5, 2007 Bennett Freeman, Calvert Asset Management Co.
Oct. 24, 2007 Coleman Stipanovich, Executive Director, State Board of Administration of Florida
Oct. 17, 2007 David Purcell, CEO, Climate Appraisal Services, LLC
Sep. 20, 2007 Peter Franchot, Comptroller of the State of Maryland

Modified: 06/12/2008