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Meteorology & Weather

LANL's Meteorological program is mandated by three DOE orders and guidance documents which essentially state that DOE facilities are required to measure meteorological variables in sufficient detail to assess the impact of a release of hazardous material on the public and the environment.

The meteorological program can be divided into five main components: measurements, data management, analysis, modeling, and data accessibility. The measurement component sustains a continuous stream of high-quality meteorological data from the program's extensive network of instruments. The data management component of the program maintains the quality, security, and accessibility of an extensive archive of data and displays products created from the data. The analysis portion of the program is conducted as time permits when requested by customers or when the program staff sees opportunities to increase knowledge of local weather phenomenon that could potentially affect operations at the Laboratory. The modeling component is conducted for the purpose of emergency response. Data accessibility provides data access to internal and external customers, primarily through the program's website, The Weather Machine.

Years of collecting data have generated an extensive data base that is the basis of analyses and the source of input for local modeling. Data collected by the program also support other monitoring programs in biology, hydrology, and health physics and play a critical role in demonstrating regulatory compliance in the areas of air quality, water quality, and waste management.

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