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The My AmeriCorps website provides a one-stop-shop for AmeriCorps State and National, VISTA and NCCC members and alumni - presenting a wealth of information and self-service capabilities, including access to the former AmeriCorps Online Payment System.

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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service
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We want you back!

Bring your experience back to AmeriCorps and serve another term as a member or leader. Expand on what you helped to start by joining AmeriCorps again!

Your experience could also make you eligible to serve with AmeriCorps NCCC as a team leader or as an AmeriCorps VISTA Leader.

Limits on Serving With AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Education Award Eligibility

Under no circumstances will an individual be eligible to receive more than two AmeriCorps Education Awards. Awards can be earned during the first two terms of national service. Even if a member does not complete his or her service requirement and does not receive an AmeriCorps Education Award, that term of service counts as one of his or her first two terms.

National service laws and Corporation policies impose certain restrictions within the various programs on the number of terms an individual may serve within that program. The following outlines the limitations on the number of terms one may serve within the different AmeriCorps programs.

AmeriCorps Program

Maximum Number of Terms within each AmeriCorps Program

AmeriCorps State and National, Education Award Only, Tribes, and U.S. Territories


AmeriCorps NCCC


AmeriCorps VISTA




The Corporation has determined that individuals may, nonetheless, serve up to three terms of service across the different types of AmeriCorps programs and may receive Corporation-funded member benefits as long as the caps on the number of terms of service within each program are maintained. In no event may an individual serve more than a total of three terms in any combination of AmeriCorps programs. A term of service includes full-time, part-time, and reduced part-time service, as well as an uncompleted term.

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