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NIST Combinatorial Methods Center

NCMC Organization Flowchart
Levels of Participation at the NCMC
Participating Members:
Description: Members will be invited to attend semiannual open technical meetings at NIST where combinatorial research on materials science will be presented, followed by Members-only meeting where focused short courses or workshops or laboratory demonstrations will be organized. Members will have access to a web-site for bulletin board, preprints, and speakers information. Membership is for one year at a time, renewable on a yearly basis. New members may join at any time. No proprietary information will be disclosed. The NCMC will provide administrative support for organization of the meetings and Member services.
Member fees: $10,000 U.S. per Member per year. Equipment exchange for NCMC membership services is possible through a CRADA.
Participating Membership Agreement Form*
Focused Projects:
Description: Members will develop combinatorial projects in areas of joint interest coordinated by NIST technical teams. Projects will not involve any proprietary information or materials and all results will be publishable. The NCMC will provide administrative support for projects. Membership is for one year at a time, renewable on a yearly basis. There is no restriction on the number of projects that a Member may join or when Members may join any project(s). Each project will be for one year, renewable for an additional year. There will be closed semi-annual meetings in conjunction with the Participating membership semi-annual meetings to discuss progress on projects. Additional meetings can be scheduled by NIST technical teams.

Member fees:  To be decided by project team.

Focused Project Membership Agreement Form*
Partner Membership:
Description: CRADA partnerships with individual member organizations will be established. The purpose is to develop combinatorial methodology and materials properties measurement techniques and apply to materials science problems of mutual interest. Projects may involve proprietary information and materials under intellectual property (I.P.) agreements. The coordination of the CRADA and administrative support will be provided by NCMC. Each CRADA project will be subject to a separate Agreement regarding Statement of Work (SoW), fees (if any), proprietary information and I.P. rights. Participating membership is required.
Member fees: To be decided by individual CRADA.
* PDF file format; requires the FREE ADOBE ACROBAT READER Software.

If you are unable to use the ADOBE ACROBAT READER Software and require a copy of a PDF document, please request to have a copy sent to you from combi@nist.gov

Date created: 12/5/2001
Last updated: May 26, 2006
Contact: combi@nist.gov
NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division

Combi Method Diagram

  Combi Method Diagram

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