Data Collections: Radiative Recombination Data

Final-state-resolved radiative recombination rate coefficients have been generated for selected ions using the AUTOSTRUCTURE code, see N. R. Badnell Radiative recombination data for modelling dynamic finite-density plasmas Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 167, 334 (2006).

The rate coefficients have been stored in the files below in the format dictated by the Atomic Data and Analysis Structure suite of codes (ADAS). To learn more about ADAS, please visit the ADAS website.

The ADF48 data format has the same structure as the ADF09 (dielectronic recombination) files, a description of which can be found at here in PDF format.

The following key is used for the description of the data key.

Data stored according to iso-electronic sequences
Ur-like H-like He-like Li-like Be-like B-like
C-like N-like O-like F-like Ne-like
Na-like Mg-like

Download all files in single .tar.gz file for Ur-like sequence rr_ur-like.tar.gz

Download all files in single .tar.gz file for H-like sequence rr_h-like.tar.gz

Download all files in single .tar.gz file for He-like sequence rr_he-like.tar.gz

Download all files in single .tar.gz file for Li-like sequence rr_li-lik.tar.gz

Download all files in single .tar.gz file for Be-like sequence rr_be-like.tar.gz

Download all files in single .tar.gz file for B-like sequence rr_b-like.tar.gz

Download all files in single .tar.gz file for C-like sequence rr_c-like.tar.gz

Download all files in single .tar.gz file for N-like sequence rr_n-like.tar.gz

Download all files in single .tar.gz file for O-like sequence rr_o-like.tar.gz

Download all files in single .tar.gz file for F-like sequence rr_f-like.tar.gz

Download all files in single .tar.gz file for Ne-like sequence rr_ne-like.tar.gz

Download all files in single .tar.gz file for Na-like sequence rr_na-like.tar.gz

Download all files in single .tar.gz file for Mg-like sequence rr_mg-like.tar.gz

The files archived here are current as of 2nd September 2008.

Last modified: September 2, 2008