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Since the inception of the High School Registrar Program in 1981, thousands of volunteers have been appointed as Selective Service High School Registrars. They provide an important civic service, ensuring that students are in compliance with the Military Selective Service Act which requires young men to register within 30 days of their 18th birthday. They provide a convenient alternative to registering at the post office, and they can assist men in registering on-line using school computers to connect to   Anyone wishing to serve as a high school registrar can complete the on-line application.

More than three quarters of the Nation’s 21,500 public, private, and vocational high schools have Selective Service Registrars appointed at their school. Participation is easy and requires little time and effort. Schools simply nominate a counselor, teacher or other staff member to be appointed as an “Uncompensated Selective Service Registrar.” Registrars are then given registration forms, display posters and other informative literature. They may also incorporate Selective Service education into the school’s curriculum or make registration “reminder” announcements on the public address system.

Educating young men about the registration requirement is essential. If a man fails to register, he is in violation of Federal law and subject to a $250,000 maximum fine, a prison term of up to five years, or a combination of both. Additionally, a young man who fails to register is ineligible for many opportunities. He must register to be eligible for Federal student loans and grants, most Federal employment, including the U.S. Postal Service, job training under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), some state employment, and U.S. citizenship (for male non-citizens applying for citizenship).

“Selective Service wants young men to register. It does not want them to be prosecuted or denied benefits,” says Lew Brodsky, the Agency's Deputy Director. “It only takes a few minutes to complete a simple form.”


The importance of Selective Service registration became even more crucial with the passage of legislation linking registration with many Federal and state benefits. These laws make young men who fail to register with Selective Service ineligible for opportunities that may be important for their future.

The Solomon Amendment, passed in 1982, is Section 12(f) to the Military Selective Service Act which requires Selective Service registration for male students as a pre-condition for eligibility for Title IV Federal Student Financial Aid. The categories of financial aid which require registration before eligibility include:

--Pell Grants

--Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants

--College Work-Study

--National Direct Student Loans

--Guaranteed Student/Plus Loans

--Some State Student Incentive Grant Programs

Applicants for Federal financial aid must sign a statement of compliance saying they are registered or that they are exempt from registering with Selective Service. The Department of Education provides the Selective Service with a list of all those applying for, or who have received, Pell Grants. The names are then checked against a list of those who have registered.


The Thurmond Amendment, passed in 1985, (5 U.S.C. 3328) requires Selective Service registration for appointment to Federal jobs in the Executive Branch. The effect of this Federal legislation is two-fold. It increases public awareness of the registration requirement and ensures that recipients of taxpayers’ funds are in compliance with the law.

Young men must be registered with Selective Service before they are eligible for most jobs within the Federal government, including the postal service. Not only does the registration requirement apply to permanent employment, but also to summer and temporary employment with the Federal government.


Eligibility for training under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA, formerly the Job Training Partnership Act) depends on whether a man has registered with Selective Service. The WIA establishes programs with the Federal and state governments and the private sector which help to prepare young people and unskilled adults for the job market through specific job training.


In most cases, registration with Selective Service is a condition for male immigrant non-citizens to obtain U.S. citizenship if the young man arrived and took up residence in the United States more than 30 days prior to his 26th birthday. More information is available at:


Many states, local government agencies, police departments and state bar examiners now require applicants to be registered with Selective Service.

Selective Service invites your school to participate in this important program. Your school has received the High School Kit with additional information on the High School Registrar Program. If you have questions about this program, you may call the Selective Service Registration Division at (703) 605-4066.


Students who have access to the INTERNET may register at our Web site: ../Processing/Processing.aspx?Function=R. Young men may also register on the registration reminder postcard they may receive in the mail.

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Last Updated April 30, 2002
©2007 Selective Service System