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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

CVOLC 2008

Cascades Volcano Observatory Lunch Colloquium, 2007

Brown bag talks at 11:30 in Mount St. Helens Room, generally on Thursdays
Informal & Open to all

February 2008
  • FRIDAY, February 1, 2008, Tom Casadevall
    USGS Denver
    "Lusi Mud Volcano, Indonesia"
    Time yet to be arranged

  • Wednesday, 9:00 a.m., February 6, 2008, Simon Carn
    University of Maryland

  • February 14, 2008, Tom Sisson
    USGS Menlo Park
    "Crustal structure of arc magmatic systems"

  • February 21, 2008
    no talk

  • Friday, 9:30 a.m., February 29, 2008, Jim Rice
    Harvard University
    "Aseismic transients in subduction zones: What physical basis?"

    Abstract: Recurrent aseismic deformation transients, sometimes accompanied by deep non-volcanic tremor, have been observed in several shallow subduction zones. They pose significant questions as to their origin, and to the nature of interseismic loading of the locked seismogenic zone. In work with, and principally by, Yajing Liu (now at Princeton) on modeling subduction earthquake sequences, we found that aseismic transients emerge as a natural outcome of the rate- and state friction processes as revealed in lab fault-sliding experiments. When the fluid pore pressure is near-lithostatic (effective stress, ~ 1-5 MPa) around and down-dip from the velocity-weakening-to-strengthening stability transition, the system exhibits self-sustained short-period (several months to a few years) aseismic oscillations, assuming lab-like values (~ 10-30 microns) of the characteristic slip distance for renewal of the contact population. Evidence that such fluid pressure conditions may actually be present is provided independently by the occurrence of non-volcanic tremors as apparent responses to extremely small (< 0.01 MPa) stress changes, and by petrological constraints on the expected regions of metamorphic dehydration in shallow-dipping subduction zones, such as the northern Cascadia, SW Japan and Guerrero, Mexico. Our modeling predicts that transient sequences can also be triggered by a step-like interseismic stress perturbation on the subduction fault, due to nearby earthquakes, or to pore pressure changes, e.g., during episodes of metamorphic fluid release.

March 2008
  • March 6, 2008, Eliza Calder
    SUNY Buffalo

  • March 13, 2008, Roy Hyndman   CANCELLED !!! (it may be re-scheduled at a later date, please check again)
    Pacific Geoscience Center

  • March 20, 2008, Chuck Wicks   RESCHEDULED to May 12th !!!
    USGS Menlo Park

  • March 27, 2008, Joe Dufek   TIME CHANGE to 2pm !!!
    University of California, Berkley
    "Self-organization in pyroclastic density currents: Integrating multi-scale observations with macroscopic models of explosive volcanic activity"

April 2008
  • April 3, 2008, Nicole Lautze
    USGS Menlo Park

  • April 10, 2008, Charlie Bacon
    USGS Menlo Park

  • April 17, 2008, Michael Hutnak   RESCHEDULED to May 22th !!!
    USGS Menlo Park
    "Numerical Simulations of Hydrothermal Fluid Flow and Caldera Deformation: Effects of Multi-phase and Multi-component Dynamics."

  • April 24, 2008
    no talk

May 2008
  • May 1, 2008
    nothing scheduled yet

  • May 8, 2008, Robin Matoza

  • Monday, May 12, 2008, Chuck Wicks
    USGS Menlo Park

  • May 15, 2008, Dave Clague
    Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

  • May 22, 2008, Michael Hutnak
    USGS Menlo Park
    "Numerical Simulations of Hydrothermal Fluid Flow and Caldera Deformation: Effects of Multi-phase and Multi-component Dynamics."

  • May 29, 2008, Philipp Ruprecht
    University of Washinton

(check back often as talk topics get finalized)
Call 360-993-8900 ext. 0 for last minute schedule changes
CVO is at 1300 SE Cardinal Court, Building 10, Suite 100, Vancouver, WA
Directions at

Hope to see you there!


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03/25/08, Lyn Topinka