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For Immediate Release: February 6, 2008
Contact: Brittany Eck   (202) 482-3809


WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Commerce today announced its affirmative preliminary determination in the antidumping duty investigation on new pneumatic off-the-road tires from the People's Republic of China.

Commerce preliminarily determined that Chinese producers/exporters have sold new pneumatic off-the-road tires in the United States at 10.98 to 210.48 percent less than fair value. The merchandise covered by these investigations includes new pneumatic off-the-road tires designed for off-the-road and off-highway use. The subject merchandise can be of tube-type or tubeless, radial or non-radial forms.

“Price distortion by Chinese exporters puts American manufacturers at an unfair disadvantage,” said Assistant Secretary for Import Administration David Spooner. “In an effort to encourage a healthy economic environment and to strive to maintain a strong and fair relationship with our trading partners, the Administration will continue its commitment to aggressively enforce America's trade remedy laws.”

The petitioners for this investigation are: Titan Tire Corporation (Titan) (IA), and the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union, AFL-CIOCLC (USW) (PA).

Dumping occurs when a foreign company sells a product in the United States at less than fair value. As a result of this preliminary determination, Commerce will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection to collect a cash deposit or bond based on the preliminary margins.

For more information about Import Administration or for the fact sheet on today’s decision, please visit
