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Gas Saving Tips.


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Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence

Kentucky's challenge for the 21st century is to develop clean, reliable, affordable energy sources that help us improve our energy security, reduce our carbon dioxide emissions and provide economic prosperity.  For Kentucky to be a national energy leader, we must fully integrate the development of our energy resources with our mission to protect the environment.  The Department for Energy Development and Independence was created within the Energy and Environment Cabinet to help us achieve that goal.

As a new department in state government, we have developed a strategic plan to guide our programs and initiatives.  Please check back with us frequently in the next few months as we continue to develop our programs.

For information about departmental staff and directions to the office, click the "About Us" link on the left.    


Kentucky's 7-Point Strategy for Energy Independence - Governor Steven Beshear unveils the first-ever comprehensive energy plan.  The plan strives for a 20 percent cut in greenhouse gas emissions, increased coal research, and the creation of 40,000 jobs in the energy sector.  Copies are available for download (pdf - 2.5 mb).

Stay Warm, Save Money

Winter is upon us, and consumers and businesses need to be prepared to meet their energy needs in the face of rising energy costs. A new US Department of Energy web site provides consumers with free and inexpensive strategies for saving energy and money through the cold months, as well as energy-saving investments that can provide savings over the long term. You'll also find information on financial assistance for energy-saving improvements.

Improve your home's energy efficiency with ENERGY STAR - this site provides assessment tools and personalized home improvement suggestions to make your home more energy efficient.

Find more energy saving tips on this web site.

If you need assistance, there are numerous programs designed to provide educational, technical, or financial support in hard times.  For low-income households, Community Action Kentucky's Low Income Heating Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps with rising utility bills.  The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) can help weatherize your home, thus reducing your utility bills.



Energy questions:
500 Mero St.,
12th Floor
Capital Plaza Tower
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-564-7192
Toll free in Kentucky: 800-282-0868
Fax: 502-564-7484



Last Updated 12/5/2008
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