Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 8100.3 , dated 16 January 2004 directed that:

"Telecommunications switches (and associated software releases) leased, procured (whether systems or services), or operated by the DoD Components, and connected or planned for connection to the DSN, shall be joint interoperability certified by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) and granted information assurance certification and accreditation by the Defense Information System Network (DISN) Designated Approval Authorities (DAAs)."

In order to collect the data to confirm the adequacy of the DSN Telecommunication switch configurations and to mitigate deficiencies, DoDI 8100.3 requires the DoD Components to conduct and forward to DISA, an annual inventory of all telecommunications switches (fixed and deployable [tactical, afloat]) connected to the DSN. "For the purpose of the inventory, a telecommunications switch is the hardware or software designed to send and receive voice, data or video signals across a network that provides customer voice, data or video equipment access to the DSN or public switch telecommunications network." ASD(NII) memo, dated 2 June 2004.

DISA is instructed by DoDI 8100.3 to consolidate the individual inventories into a single comprehensive DoD inventory and conduct technical and security risk assessments. The assessments are to determine if the switches and ancillary equipment meet the General and Military-Unique Requirements of CJCSI 6215.01B. Based on the risk analysis, switches that have not been certified and accredited for both joint interoperability and information assurance are forwarded to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, J6T by DISA with recommended mitigations. The Joint Staff conducts operational assessments of the switches and reports the adequacy of the assessments and mitigation plans to ASD(NII)/DoD CIO.

In order to assess mission, security and technical risks associated with telecommunication switches, 11 categories have been established that range from switch fully compliant (meets all requirements) to insufficient switch information (cannot determine the suitability of the switch to connect to the DSN).

The knowledge base on which the risk assessment is based includes:

  • MLPP calls initiated and terminated on switches to identify C2 users

  • The DSN Engineering Telecommunications Switch List that provides an assessment of switch capabilities by DISA engineering personnel of the capabilities of switches to meet current MLPP requirements; the intent of the vendors to upgrade switches to gain JITC Interoperability certification and Information Assurance accreditation; the existence of a funded switch upgrade/replacement program; and the availability of JITC-certified software to support a switch upgrade.

  • The number of switches that have ASD (NII) Interim Certification(s) to Operate (ICTO).

  • The Approved Product List ( APL consisting of JITC-certified switches with either LSGR Telecordia 815 Letters of Conformance or IA Certification/Accreditation.

In order to comply with DoDI 8100.3 and Public Law 107-314, Sec. 353(d), an annual DSN Inventory is taken. The 2006 DSN Inventory is presently under way. This year an MS Access application was developed and sent out to the field for the collection of inventory data.