CDF Virtual Tour
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CDF detector Beam Pipe Calorimeters Magnet Muon Chambers Muon Chambers Muon Chambers Muon Chambers Muon Chambers Muon Chambers Muon Chambers Muon Chambers Muon Chambers Calorimeters Magnet Central OuterTracker Silicon Detector Shielding Shielding Shielding Shielding Shielding Shielding Shielding Shielding Beam Pipe Muon Chambers Muon Chambers Muon Chambers
Home Event Displays Silicon Detector Central Outer Tracker Magnet Calorimeters Muon Detectors


How does the information
collected by the detector
get to computers?


Explore scintillators


With three million collisions
happening inside the
detector each second,
physicists have to decide
which data to throw out
before they even look at it.


Explore trigger systems

Video clips:

Walk down into the collision
hall with CDF co-Spokes-
person Rob Roser, sit in on
part of a collaboration
meeting, join visitors on
a tour of the detector
display area, or spend a
morning with the aces in
the control room.

CDF video clips

Visit the video clip room

You are a proton. You have been circling around the Tevatron tunnel at relativistic speeds—99.999% of the speed of light. It takes you just twenty millionths of a second to travel once around the Tevatron ring, four miles in circumference. You may have been going at it for hours. Once again you approach the area near the CDF building, where focusing magnets push you closer to the other protons in your bunch and maximize the chances that one of you will collide with one of the antiprotons traveling at relativistic speeds in the opposite direction. This time your number is up. Bam. You collide head-on with an antiproton, and, having annihilated, you cease to exist.

But what happens to the energy? Your mass, along with the energy stored in you due to your tremendous speed, turns you and the antiproton into a spray of daughter particles that scatter in all directions like bowling pins. The three-story-tall detector at CDF is designed to catch these particles, measuring their energies and in some cases tracing the paths they make as they move through the detector. Using simulation software, CDF physicists try to recreate the processes by which those particles were produced, following the daughter particles through every generation in the hope of learning more about how elementary particles react with one another, and, ultimately, what our universe is made of and how it came to be.

Enter the Tour

CDF Exterior
Working at CDF
Assembly Hall
Working at CDF Detector photos

Created by Jennifer Lauren Lee; updated February 2008 by