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SCIENCE - Practical Applications

Climate Forecasting

Browse Image of Sea Surface Anomaly data Altimeter data is being used in long term forecasting as part of a suite of data used as input into models. Other data sources are satellite sea surface temperature measurements, and in-situ measurements from buoys and drifters. Sea surface height data, obtained by altimeters, relates to the temperature of the ocean in that a 1 cm change in the height corresponds to a one degree Celsius change in the ocean temperature over 50 meters. Changes in the distribution of heat in the ocean affects the pattern of evaporation and resultant precipitation. Because of the size of the ocean, and its slow rate of change, the ocean affects climate as well as weather (weather refers to short term events and climate refers to long term trends.)

NOAA and the International Research Institute for Climate Prediction

Observed Sea Surface Temperature Image Work on climate change is being done by NOAA at their Climate Diagnostics Center, in conjunction with the NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry . Work is also in progress at the International Research Institute for Climate Prediction, a consortium that also involves NOAA.

Value of Predictions

The value of these predictions is that El Niño and La Niña conditions, phenomena where there are large scale changes in the distribution of heat in the ocean, are associated with disruptions in weather and climate. Knowing this ahead of time, appropriate precautions can be taken such as clearing drainage channels in areas likely to flood, or planting drought resistant crops in areas likely to experience drought.

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