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Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) for Support of Biological and Ecological Assessments


 EDEN Data Viewer

EDEN Data Viewer Screenshot

The EDEN Data Viewer is a program for viewing the daily EDEN surfaces of water level and ground elevation from the ground surface digital elevation model and creates daily surfaces of water depth and days since last dry. The user can view all or a selected area of the EDEN domain and the surfaces can be animated over time. Data values for each surface are reported for user-selected UTM-coordinate locations.

Note: the latest version of the Data Viewer was updated with new "Days Since Dry" calculations. Please see the User's Guide (below) for more information.

CERPZone users, please see information below.


You will need the following files:

Required for execution of the program:

(Note: if you previously installed other EDENapp tools, then you may have some or all of these items already installed)

  1. EDEN Data Viewer.exe (.zip, 242 KB, currently at v. 1.2, updated May 23, 2008)
    • Executable file can be copied to any location on your computer.
  2. netCDF dlls (.zip, 176 KB)
    1. Extract all the files in and copy them to c:\windows\system32
  3. Microsoft .Net version 2.0 (download from Microsoft's website)
    • Note: this may already be installed on your machine. Go to: Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. If Microsoft .Net Framework is installed, it will appear in this list

Required User Input Files:

  1. EDEN DEM file for ground elevation (.zip, 170 KB)
    • Must be in netCDF file format (.nc)
    • Please note: This file is a modification of the EDEN DEM released in October of 2007 (i.e., eden_em_oct07) in which the elevation values have been converted from meters (m) to centimeters (cm) for use by EDEN applications software. This file is intended specifically for use in the EDEN applications software.
    • Metadata is also available for this DEM and has been included in the EDEN DEM zip file.
  2. EDEN daily water level surfaces (must be in NetCDF file format (.nc))

User's Guide (pdf, 759 KB, updated May 23, 2008)




  • EDEN Data Viewer can only run on a Windows machine
  • The netCDF dll is required to use the Data Viewer. Extract all the files in and copy them to c:\windows\system32
We're looking for feedback! Please contact us.


Running EDENapps from CERPZone:
The EDENapps tools can be run from CERPZone by users who are not able or do not wish to download the EDENapps tools to their computers. CERPZone allows users to run the tools directly from the Citrix server.

To run the tools from CERPZone, users must obtain a CERPZone username and password at

To go to the EDENapps tools on CERPZone, got to for instructions to access the tools through the Citrix server. If you have any questions regarding EDEN Tools on Cerpzone, please contact

Note: New CERPZone users will need to contact the CERP GIS Team ( to be added to the EDEN application user's pool.

Water Levels (Gage)
Ground Elevation (DEM)
Water Surfaces
Transect Plotter
Learn About EDEN
EDEN Personnel
Photo of a flower

Technical support for this Web site is provided by the U.S. Geological Survey
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Comments and suggestions? Contact: Heather Henkel - Webmaster
Last updated: July 21, 2008 09:16 AM(HSH)