Altering Batch Jobs

Remove Batch Job from the Queue

Jobs in the queue in any state can be stopped and removed from the queue using the command qdel.

For example, to remove a job with a PBS ID of 1234, use the following command:

> qdel 1234

More details on the qdel utility can be found through the qdel man page.

Hold Queued Job

Jobs in the queue in a non-running state may be placed on hold using the qhold command. Jobs placed on hold will not be removed from the queue, but they will not be eligible for execution.

For example, to move a currently queued job with a PBS ID of 1234 to a hold state, use the following command:

> qhold 1234

More details on the qhold utility can be found through the qhold man page.

Release Held Job

Once on hold the job will not be eligible to run until it is released to return to a queued state. The qrls command can be used to remove a job from the held state.

For example, to release job 1234 from a held state, use the following command:

> qrls 1234

More details on the qrls utility can be found through the qrls man page.

Modify Queued Job

Non-running jobs in the queue can be modified with the PBS qalter command. Please note: Jobs in a running state cannot be altered.

The following uses job 130494 as an example:

> qstat -a 130494nid03588: ORNL/CCS

                                                                     Req'd  Req'd   Elap

Job ID               Username Queue    Jobname    SessID NDS   Tasks Memory Time  S Time

-------------------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ ----- ----- ------ ----- - -----

130494.nid03588      cfuson   debug    t1            --      1  4300     0b 00:10 Q   --


The qalter utility can be used to

  • Modify the job’s name
    > qalter -N newname 130494
  • Modify the number of requested cores
    > qalter -l size=4800 130494
  • Modify the job’s wall time
    > qalter -l walltime=01:00:00 130494

The qstat utility can then be used to view the changes, as follows:

> qstat -a 130494nid03588: ORNL/CCS

                                                                     Req'd  Req'd   Elap

Job ID               Username Queue    Jobname    SessID NDS   Tasks Memory Time  S Time

-------------------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ ----- ----- ------ ----- - -----

130494.nid03588      cfuson   debug    newname       --      1  4800     0b 01:00 Q   --


The qalter utility can modify more PBS options than are listed above. These options as well as more information can be found through the qalter man page.