Know Your No's Flash Game - Text Description

First frame: You can say “no” lots of different ways, but one is more effective than the rest. Find out which one.

Second frame: Street scene in the background of two-story business buildings. Two girls in the foreground.

Girl 1: Hey, do you want to come drink with us after school?
Girl 2: Click below to find the most effective “no.”

Below the girls appear five balloons with text in them. When you click on each, the balloon rises to the left and enlarges. At the same time, a blackboard appears to the right and describes the answer.

Balloon 1 reads: No way, stupid. You guys are losers. The blackboard reads: This is an aggressive answer. It is NOT the most effective way to say “no.” A second blackboard frame then reads: Being aggressive means: pushing people around; threatening or blaming them; putting them down; acting angry.

Balloon 2 reads: Um … sorry … I … uh… have a thing. The blackboard reads: This is a passive answer. It is NOT the most effective way to say “no.” The second blackboard frame then reads: Being passive means: Saying no weakly; mumbling; making lame excuses; acting like a wimp.

Balloon 3 reads: No thanks, I don’t want to. The blackboard reads: This is an assertive answer. It IS the most effective way to say “no.” The second blackboard frame then reads: Being assertive means: Standing up straight; looking them right in the eye; speaking in a firm voice, saying it quickly and being polite; choosing words well—instead of a wimpy “I can’t,” say, “I don’t want to.” A third blackboard frame (for this answer only) reads: This one’s best but check out the rest so you know the “no’s” to avoid.

Balloon 4 reads: No, and you shouldn’t either. It’s really bad for you. The blackboard reads: This is a know-it-all answer. It is NOT the most effective way to say “no.” The second blackboard frame then reads: Being a know-it-all means: Giving a lot of facts; acting superior; judging people; telling them what they are feeling.

Balloon 5 reads: “Oh my gosh, did you see what that guy was wearing?” The blackboard reads: This is an avoiding answer. It is NOT the most effective way to say “no.” The second blackboard frame then reads: Avoiding means: changing the subject, staying away from the issue, trying to distract the person.