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TSWG: Technical Support Working Group

VIP Protection (VIP)

Mission: Identify, prioritize, and execute research and development projects that satisfy interagency requirements for equipment and systems that alert and prevent attacks on VIP protectees. This includes hardware and tools that provide security to both the VIPs and their protectors. Inherent in this development is additional emphasis on life safety and emergency response equipment.

Project Funding

$202M Pie Chart - 6 percent of funding budgetVIP Protection represents six percent of the TSWG FY07 program funding budget.

Funding targets projects that develop prototype hardware, personnel protection equipment and reference tools, and standards that support greater security for VIPs.

Focus Area Product Catalogs

VIP focus areas reflect the prioritized requirements of the personnel protection community.

Fixed Security

Fixed Security

Fixed Security sponsors projects that develop technologies that enhance the protection of fixed facilities. Products emphasize threat detection, defeat, and mitigation tools for a range of attack scenarios, including incoming missile threats. Other areas of concentration include surveillance and perimeter security systems that can be integrated with existing security architectures. Products

Mobile Security

Mobile Security

Mobile Security sponsors projects that improve the ability of security details to protect their VIPs while in transit. Products embody mobile surveillance systems; tamper-detection capabilities; intrusion-detection and alert tools; and, transportable threat-detection systems. Other product characteristics include armor solutions for enhanced ballistic and blast protection against current and emerging threats. Many of these capabilities entail redeployable and customizable solutions that provide flexibility to meet a range of mission requirements and emergencies. Products

Individual Protection

Individual Protection

Individual Protection sponsors projects that augment the individual protection levels of VIPs and their protectors against a wide range of threats in multiple venues. Products include enhanced body armor, improved communications, and alert systems. Of particular importance to this focus, area is enhancing personal body armor by increasing ballistic protection, improved concealment/camouflage, and weight reduction. Products

Information Resources

Information Resources

Information Resources sponsor projects that develop reference materials, standards, and information management tools to enhance preparation and response capabilities. Product features include equipment performance evaluations; feasibility studies; and the development of standards, protocols, and systems to facilitate decision making among the protective services community. Products

Nontraditional Capability Design

Nontraditional Capability Design

Nontraditional Capability Design sponsors projects that develop unique operational, intelligence, and technical capabilities that are tailored to support counterintelligence and counterterrorist operational and tactical forces. Products emphasize the creation of automated tools and methodologies that enhance the ability of analysts to extract, exploit, visualize, and share data.