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Ianthe Zabel

R. David Gary

Office of External Affairs

Release: 5450-08
For Release: February 8, 2008

CFTC Acting Chairman Lukken Comments on DOJ Letter to Department of the Treasury

Washington, DC – Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Acting Chairman Walter Lukken issued the following statement regarding the Department of Justice’s January 31, 2008, letter to the Department of the Treasury about the clearing structures in place in the futures industry.

"As the regulator of the futures markets, the CFTC is confident that the US futures exchanges and clearinghouses are functioning well, especially during these turbulent economic times. The CFTC continues to examine the industry's clearing structure as part of our broader mission. While recent Department of Justice comments on clearing deserve thoughtful analysis, we believe that the various clearing models that have developed in the U.S. meet the standards established by the Commodity Exchange Act."

Last Updated: February 8, 2008