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2008 Fall Bonner Student Congress Meeting at West Virginia Wesleyan College October 24-26

The Fall Bonner Student Congress Meeting will be held at West Virginia Wesleyan College in Buchannon, WV from Friday, October 24 to Sunday, October 26. Register here.

2008 Fall Directors and Coordinators' Meeting at Montreat Center (Asheville, NC)

The Fall Directors and Coordinators' Meeting will be held at the Montreat Center in Black Mountain, NC (near Asheville) from Sunday November 9 to Tuesday, November 11, 2008. Register here.

2009 Summer Leadership Institute June 3-6 at Stetson University in Deland, Florida

The Bonner Summer Leadership Institute will be held at Stetson University from June 3-6, 2009. Learn more here.

Bonner Programs in 2007-2008

Currently, the 80+ schools in Bonner's nework of campus-based service and civic engagement programs are working on finishing out their school years, which they'll describe in their Annual Reports (due July 11). Bonner staff may visit our Bonner Network Wiki to download the Annual Report Guidelines and revise their Campus Profiles to contain new information. To do that, click here.

Successful Fall Directors and Coordinators' Meeting at Montreat Center (Asheville, NC)

The Fall Directors and Coordinators' Meeting was held at the Montreat Center in Black Mountain, NC (near Asheville) from November 4-6, 2007. Click here to download resources from the meeting, such as handouts and powerpoint presentations.

Outstanding Fall Congress Meeting at Lynchburg College

Lynchburg College (Lynchburg, VA), home to a great Bonner Leader Program, hosted the 2007 Fall Student Bonner Congress Meeting from October 19-21, 2007. Visit the Congress Resource Pages to learn more about the action teams or sign up for the Bonner Congress Facebook Group to stay in touch.

CBR Networking Meeting at Macalester College

Macalester College (Minneapolis, MN), hosted the Fall Meeting for the National CBR Network subgrantees (sponsored with the support of Learn & Serve America and Princeton University) from October 26-28, 2007. Click here to find out more or find resources for community-based research.

Report on Summer Leadership Institute 2008:
Summit on Civic & Political Engagement
Allegheny College • June 4-7, 2008

Roughly 375 students, administrators, and faculty attended the Summit and 2008 SLI at Allegheny College in Meadville, PA. We had a great meeting, enriched by the participation of several non-profit organizations including the Center on Political Participation, CIRCLE, New Organizing Institute, Peacework, ProWorld Service Corps, RESULTS, Teach for America, and the Washington Semester Program. Bonner Congress focused on networking their campuses through the Serve 2.0 initiative. Senior Interns focused on their strengths in their leadership roles on campus this year, using the Strengths Finder resources. Administrators focused on program management, CBR,, and other initiatives. Check out the photos on our national Bonner Love Facebook group.

New Directors Meeting • July 27-30, 2008 in Princeton, NJ

New Bonner Program Directors and Coordinators should attend this summer's New Directors Meeting, an extended orientation and training. The meeting will be held in Princeton, NJ at the Princeton Seminary. Lodging is provided in the conference center. This meeting is also open to other faculty and staff who are interested in starting a Bonner Program on their campus. Read more here.

Research Paper on the Bonner Scholars Program to be published in International Journal of Social Welfare

Findings from the Bonner Student Impact Survey research by Dr. Cheryl Keen and Kelly Hall has been submitted for publication by the International Journal of Social Welfare in a special volume on Youth Service in Comparative Perspective. A copy of the paper can be found here.

The Bonner Foundation Celebrates the 15th Anniversary of the Bonner Scholars Program

On June 2-4, 2005 roughly 350 people from 55 colleges and 10 community-based organizations gathered at Waynesburg College to celebrate the 15th Anniversary. Below is an article about the event recently published by Waynesburg College's paper, The Lamp. Following the Celebration, staff and students from Bonner Programs around the country stayed to participate in the 2005 Summer Leadership Institute, consisting of workshops and programming on a broad range of topics.

During this time, another group of 75 students participated in one of two three-day community service projects at the Pittsburgh Project and the Laughlin Memorial Chapel in Wheeling, WV. The article from Waynesburg's "The Lamp Post" discusses the event in more detail.

The New Jersey Bonner Program Recognized as Among Most Innovative

The New Jersey Bonner Leaders Program was recognized by the Innovations in Civic Participation as one of the 51 "most innovative AmeriCorps Programs in the United States." Read the write-up here.


Campus Administrators:

Community Agencies:







The College of New Jersey
DePauw University
Centre College
Earllham College
Stetson University

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The Bonner Foundation • 10 Mercer Street • Princeton, NJ 08540
609-924-6663 Phone • 609-683-4626 FAX •

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