CM/ECF users - click here to view docket sheets of cases opened in CM/ECF 

Please enter the USCAVC Docket Number you wish to see in the box below OR enter the Last Name of the filing party (see examples below).

 The Last Name MUST be entered correctly - see correct examples below:

Last Name Examples
SmithCORRECTFirst letter is upper case and rest is lower case
O'BrienINCORRECTThe single quote symbol in the name will not work
O''BrienCORRECTThe single quote symbol should be typed twice for O'Brien name
smithINCORRECTFirst letter should be upper case
SMITHINCORRECTOnly first letter should be upper case

Last Name:
Correct Format: Smith First letter is upper case and rest is lower case
Docket Number:
Correct Format: 99-9999

Docket Number Examples
99-0001CORRECTCase Number = Case Year + Dash (-) + 4 digits
99-001INCORRECTCase Number must have 4 digits after the Dash Sign (-)
99 0001INCORRECTCase Number has a space after the Case Year instead of a Dash Sign (-)
990001INCORRECTCase Number must have a Dash Sign (-) after the Case Year