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Mercury Solvent Air Sampling Records, 1954-1959.
Location (active):
Location (Inactive): Y-12 Records Center, Building 9711-5 Room 106
Access Restrictions: Classified, Secret/RD
Volume: 3 File Folders, 0.125 linear feet
Accession Number or Other ID: 14-12-12

Accession Number or Other ID: 20-9-17

Accession Number or Other ID: (2

Accession Number or Other ID: files

Accession Number or Other ID: with

Accession Number or Other ID: same

Accession Number or Other ID: number)
Condition: Fair
Container: Drawer 9
Medium: Paper
Duplication: May be part of the unclassified collection, see statement on page
Scanning Suitability: Letters are suitable, charts and blueprints are unsuitable
Arrangement: Numerical by file code
Originating Office: Division unknown
Finding Aids: Y-12 Mercury Task Force Database Printout. Mercury at Y-12
(Y/EX-24) Bibliography
Disposition Authority: Permanent Collection
Series Description:
This record series contains results of air samples analyses from buildings
9201-4 and 9201-5.  The  information includes the number of samples taken each
month, in units of concentration in  milligrams/cubic meter (mg/m3) of mercury
in air.  The results are reported by giving the percentage of  samples falling
into concentration ranges (with intervals of 0.1 mg/m3) between <0.1 and >1.0
mg/m3.   Computer printouts and charts of readings of monitors placed in the
ventilation system of buildings 9201-4  and 9201-5 are included along with
blueprints of the monitoring system.  The health physics and Y-12  engineering
divisions performed the air sampling and analyses that include fan number, date
of sample,  location, and concentrations.
Data element Keys:

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