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Alloy Division Monthly Progress Reports, 1955-1961.
Location (active):
Location (Inactive): Y-12 Records Center, Building 9711-5, Room 106
Access Restrictions: Secret/RD
Volume: 63 File Folders, 2.14 linear feet
Accession Number or Other ID: M432

Accession Number or Other ID: M610-611

Accession Number or Other ID: M615-617

Accession Number or Other ID: M619-620

Accession Number or Other ID: M624-625

Accession Number or Other ID: M628-629

Accession Number or Other ID: M630-631

Accession Number or Other ID: M636-637

Accession Number or Other ID: M639-645

Accession Number or Other ID: M647-650

Accession Number or Other ID: M653

Accession Number or Other ID: M655

Accession Number or Other ID: M657-659

Accession Number or Other ID: M661-667

Accession Number or Other ID: M669-689
Condition: Good
Container: Drawers 8, 10, 13
Medium: Paper
Duplication: May be part of the unclassified collection, see statement on page
Scanning Suitability: Suitable
Arrangement: Numerical by file code
Originating Office: Alloy Division
Finding Aids: Y-12 Mercury Task Force Database Printout. Mercury at Y-12
(Y/EX-24) Bibliography
Disposition Authority: Permanent Collection
Series Description:
This record series consists of the monthly progress reports of the Y-12 Alloy
Division.  These  reports summarized and expanded upon the weekly progress
reports of the Alloy Division's production of  lithium deuteride through the
Colex, Elex, and Aspen operations.  Reports are divided into four sections:  1)
Colex operation, 2) Elex operation, 3) finishing and fabrication process, and 4)
Aspen chemical.  The Colex  section generally contains information on Alpha 4
and Alpha 5 cascades, auxiliary processes such as the  evaporation of chlorides,
acid washes with mercury, use of scrubbers, raw feed salt practices, and
construction of new facilities and equipment.  The Elex section provides similar
information on the Beta 4  cascade.  Information concerning the finishing and
fabrication process included production of lithium  deuteride and activities of
the wet chemistry facility and reduction facility.  The section on the Aspen
chemical process provides information on the production of lithium deuteride,
grinding and loading molds,  pressing materials, and rubber fabrication.
Data element Keys:

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