NOAA - NOAA Acronym spelled out
NOAA logo PMEL - A leader in developing ocean observing systems
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Innovative Technology

Ferret project image Geogrraphic Information System image EPIC software image Ocean buoy image

PMEL data analysis is performed for gridded data sets via Ferret, geographical information via the VENTS GIS and oceanographic observational data via EPIC. Innovative instrumentation is developed by PMEL's Engineering Development Division.

Innovative technology in software and hardware has been developed in support of PMEL's research projects. Outstanding software and data management capabilities allow scientists to access, view and analyze observational date, and to work with geographical information systems. Up-to-date information about PMEL research is available on the World Wide Web, and near-realtime data, analysis products and retrospective climatologies can be previewed and downloaded for further analysis. Perspective on PMEL's research program results is provided by World Wide Web Theme Pages. Visualization and Virtual Reality techniques help scientists explore and present their data. Essential support for computer and network technology are provided by PMEL's Computing and Network Services Division.

PMEL's Engineering Development Division supports PMEL research with innovations in elecronics, mechanics, materials, and software engineering. PMEL's measurement capabilities in the field and laboratory are enhanced by application of state-of-the-art instruments and systems that integrate observational and measurement technologies.

About us | Research | Publications | Data | Theme pages | Infrastructure

US Department of Commerce | NOAA | OAR | PMEL
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
  Phone: (206) 526-6239
Fax: (206) 526-6815
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