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No serious injuries or deaths resulted directly from the fire.  Rocky Flats
health physicists tested building personnel and firemen for radioactive exposure
immediately after the incident.  The plant's director of health physics reported
trace amounts of plutonium in eighty-eight nose and throat swipes.  He later
found plutonium in one urinalysis and in three fecal and two blood samples.  A
few weeks later, he declared that "for all practical purposes, the plutonium
contamination resulting from the fire is negligible." In 1994, a Rocky Flats
biomedical researcher, who was conducting a study of plutonium workers, was
continuing to monitor six individuals whose careers included exposure to the
1957 fire. [17]
17  Ibid., 76-77; interview with a biomedical researcher at Rocky Flats on March
8, 1994.

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