Search of Epidemiologic Guides

At the time of the fire, Building 71 (also called "C Plant" and, later, Building
771) was an essential component of the Rocky Flats Plant.  Designed for work
with delta-phase plutonium, Building 71 opened in 1953 to recover plutonium for
hydrogen bomb triggers.  Afterwards, planning began for a new building to handle
alpha-phase plutonium but, until it was ready, Dow constructed an interim
facility in Room 180 of Building 71 to allow device work involving the more
chemically reactive alpha-phase plutonium to proceed. [8].
8  Report of Investigation, 9-11, 17.  ChemRisk, Reconstruction of
Historical Rocky Flats Operations & Identification of Release Points,
Project Tasks 3 & 4, Final Draft Report (August 1992), 72.

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