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Executive Director | Chief Operating Officer  | Chief Financial Officer  | Administrative Officer  | Executive Coaching Program Manager 
Performance Measurement Consultant  | Executive Consultant

The Federal Consulting Group Is Your Team

Melonita Andrews, Administrative Officer

Melonita Andrews - Administrative Officer Melonita joined FCG in May 1999, as an Executive Assistant to the project manager of the American Customer Satisfaction Initiatives. Her responsibilities were to assist members of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.

In January 2000, she assumed her present position of Administrative Officer for the Federal Consulting Group. She works closely with the Director and the executive consultants, while continuing to share in some of the responsibilities for ACSI.

Let me know how I can help you!


Contact Mel at: 202-504-3655 or

Last Updated: August 30, 2006

799 9th St, NW, Washington, DC 20239
phone: (202) 504-3626, fax: (202) 504-3628, email:
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