Cover Pages, Vision Statement and Table of Contents (615 KB)
Chapter 1: Introduction (340 KB)
Chapter 2: Planning Process (209 KB)
Chapter 3: Refuge and Resource Descriptions (2.5 MB)
Chapter 4: Management Direction and Implementation (860 KB)
Glossary (139 KB)
Bibliography (115 KB)

Appendix A: Species Lists and Threatened and Endangered Species (623 KB)
Appendix B: Federal Laws and Mandates (152 KB)
Appendix C: Compatability Determinations (1.7 MB)
Appendix D: Wilderness Review (122 KB)
Appendix E: Refuge Operations Needs System and Maintenance Management System (121 KB)
Appendix F: Staffing Chart (99 KB)
Appendix G: Conceptual Plans (427 KB)
Appendix H: Intra-service Section 7 Biological Evaluation Form (206 KB)
Appendix I: Consultation and Coordination with Others (111 KB)
Appendix J: Summary and Response to Public Comments (157 KB)
Appendix K: Finding of No Significant Impact
(372 KB)
Acronyms and Back Cover
(177 KB)

Complete Plan (9.9 MB)

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