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Screening Quick Reference Tables (SQuiRTs)

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NOAA has developed a set of Screening Quick Reference Tables, or SQuiRTs, that present screening concentrations for inorganic and organic contaminants in various environmental media. The SQuiRTs also include guidelines for preserving samples and for analytical technique options.

We've designed the SQuiRTs as a set of double-sided, color cards, organized into the following sections:

  • Inorganics in Solids (freshwater and marine sediment, plus soil)
  • Inorganics in Water (groundwater and surface water)
  • Organics in Water and Solids
  • Analytical Methods for Inorganics
  • Analytical Methods for Organics
  • Guidelines for Sample Collection & Storage

The SQuiRT cards were developed for internal use by the Coastal Protection and Restoration Division of NOAA. The Division identifies potential impacts to coastal resources and habitats likely to be affected by hazardous waste sites. The SQuiRT cards also will be helpful to anyone who is evaluating the potential risk from contaminated water, sediment, or soil.

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Nov 2006 Update!
Changes in Ambient Water Qualtiy Criteria

The latest, Novermber 2006 update to the SQuiRT cards now incorporates changes in EPA Ambient Water Quality Criteria for cadmium, copper, and tin.  Some other minor additions were made as well, but the major changes made appear on pages 3 and 4.

October 1999 The SQuiRT tables were updated to accommodate two major revisions:

Interim changes to the Washington State listing of AET values,and updates to the National Recommended Water Quality Criteria by EPA. See our FAQ: Updated SQuiRT Cards page, linked below, for more information.

Additional minor revisions were:

  • Adding TBT and hydrogen sulfide values
  • Including equations to calculate the exact freshwater criteria for PCP based on pH
  • Correcting typographical errors Various format changes.

The SQuiRT card set presented here is the current version, and was webposted on November 30th, 2006. We'll webpost updated versions if changes or additions are needed. You can also contact us at the address and phone number shown below:

SQuiRT Cards
Assessment and Restoration Division
Office of Response and Restoration
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115-0070

Download the SQuiRTs
  • Screening Quick Reference Tables (SQuiRTs) Updated 11/06 The SQuiRT pages were designed to be printed as double-sided or back-to-back cards, for use as a handy desktop or briefcase resource for initial screening of environmental concentrations.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 1.5 M)

Frequently Asked Questions about SQuiRT Cards

For more information
SQuiRT Coordinator
If you would like to be alerted about any updated versions (or if you have comments or questions about the SQuiRT card set), please send us e-mail.
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