Welcome to the E-Notification Service Center! 

About E-Notification
The Court's new e-notification program will provide our clients and/or their representative(s) with an instant e-mail notification when case pleadings have been filed or received by the Court. This service, along with our new web site, is a continuing effort by the Court to improve its responsiveness to our Veterans and to keep them better informed of their case proceedings. 

How to Register
Register by providing the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims case number (not the VA case number) and an e-mail address below.  Once you have successfully registered, you will receive an automatic email alert describing actions taken on your case as they occur.

Please note:  Electronic notification is not intended to replace any dialog between you and our Court representatives. 

Sign up for e-notification below. If you already are signed up for e-notification, you can also update your e-mail address or unsubscribe from e-notification.

Docket: *
E-mail: *

Docket Number Examples
99-0001CORRECT Case Number = Case Year + Dash (-) + 4 digits
99-001INCORRECT Case Number must have 4 digits after the Dash Sign (-)
99 0001INCORRECT Case Number has a space after the Case Year instead of a Dash Sign (-)
990001INCORRECT Case Number must have a Dash Sign (-) after the Case Year