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How to Become a Reviewer

•  For Library Professionals

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Grant Reviewers - How to Become a Reviewer

For Museum Professionals


Please fill out the contact information and experience portion in the first section. Then, continue to the following sections, read the brief descriptions of each program, and, if you are interested in reviewing for that program, fill out the requested, program-specific information. You may apply for as many programs as you are interested in and qualified for.

1) First, please determine which IMLS museum grant program(s) you are most qualified to review based on your education and work experience. For more information about each program please click on the following links:

1. Museums for America
2. Conservation Project Support
3. National Leadership Grants
4. 21st Century Museum Professionals
5. African American History & Culture
6. Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services
7. Bank of America/IMLS American Heritage Preservation Program

2) Next, please check the box that corresponds to the grant program(s) in which you are most qualified to review.

 1. Museums for America
 2. Conservation Project Support
 3. National Leadership Grants
 4. 21st Century Museum Professionals
 5. African American History & Culture
 6. Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services
 7. Bank of America/IMLS American Heritage Preservation Program

3) Next, fill out the general reviewer information below.
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
Job Title:
Mailing Address:
State, Zip:
Shipping Address (if different):   
State, Zip:
Work Phone: Home Phone:
( - ( -
E-mail: Fax:
( -
Highest Academic Degree: Major Field of Study:
Years of professional museum experience (if applicable)  
Years of professional conservation experience (if applicable)  
Years of direct involvement with professional museum service organizations (if applicable):  
In the drop down box below please explain your level of activity with these organizations (500 characters or less):

Is this your first application to become a reviewer?    Yes     No

Disciplines in which you have the most professional museum experience in the last 5 years

1st Choice:  
2nd Choice:  
3rd Choice:  

Approximate Operating Budget (if applicable):

Current Museum   $     
Previous Museum (in last 3 years)  $  

4) Next, click on the boxes which best represent your experience.
 Adult Programming
 African-American Studies
 Collections Care
 Community Outreach
 Curriculum Development
 Database Administration
 Facilities Management
 Family Programming
 Information Technology
 Internships & Fellowship Programs
 K-12 Planning
 Language Preservation
 Managing Technological Resources
 Museum Studies
 Native American Studies
 Professional Development/Training
 Public Relations/Marketing
 Research & Research Methodologies
 Strategic Planning
 Visitor Services
 Web Management

Conservation Project Support and American Heritage Preservation Grant Reviewers Only


What are the materials in which you have the most conservation experience?
1st Choice:  
2nd Choice:  
3rd Choice:  
4th Choice:  
5th Choice:  

What types of project(s) are you most qualified to review?
1st Choice:  
2nd Choice:  
3rd Choice:  

Museums for America Reviews only


What types of project(s) are you most qualified to review?
1st Choice:  
2nd Choice:  
3rd Choice:  
5) Finally, please send a separate email with a copy of your resumé or CV to
Please click on the submit button after you have sent your resumé or CV.

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Shwartzman at 202/653-4641 or email For those that are hearing impaired you may dial TTY 202-653-IMLS for more information.

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