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Consumer News
Getting Bumped: When Airlines Overbook, You May Lose Your Seat When Airlines Overbook, You Might Lose Your Seat
Travel Scams to Avoid
Beating the Bushes for a Bargain Ticket
TSA Reminds Summer Travelers of the Three Simple Steps to Security
Managing Your Green to Avoid the Summer Vacation Blues
BBB Warns Vacationers that Travel Club Membership Doesn't Always Pay
10 Tips to Clip Travel Cancellation Fees
Guide to the Best Travel Web Sites
Homeland Security and State Departments Announce WHTI Land and Sea Final Rule

Feature Links
Passports - Transportation - Health
Rental Car Insurance Tips for Vacationers
Frequently Late Flights
Travel - Federal Trade Commission
Department of State - Consular Information Sheets
US National Parks Reservation Service
CDC's Travelers' Health - Cruise Ships and Air Travel
CDC- Traveler's Health - Safe Food and Water
CDC's Travel-related diseases and outbreaks
Air Travel Service Problems: How Complaints Are Handled
Federal Aviation Administration
U.S. Customs Service - Main Page
CDC's Travelers' Health - Insect Protection
Department of State
U.S. Department of Transportation
National Traffic and Road Closure Information
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Federal Highway Administration
Department of State - Bureau of Consular Affairs
National Center for Infectious Diseases Travelers' Health
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
APHIS Travel Web
Federal Highway Administration - State Transportation Web Sites

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