Below is a list of all TSP Forms, Publications, and TSP Highlights for active duty members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Public Health Service, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and members of the Ready Reserve or National Guard of those services in any pay status. (If you are a Federal civilian employee, download your TSP forms from Forms & Publications for Civilians.)
LPV = Last Printed Version
Form: TSP-U-1, Election Form (4/2008) - 2 pages - LPV 4/2008
Form: TSP-U-1-C, Catch-Up Contribution Election (4/2008) - 2 pages - LPV 4/2008
Form: TSP-U-3, Designation of Beneficiary (10/2007) - 4 pages - LPV 10/2007
Form: TSP-U-9, Change of Address for Separated Participant (10/2007) - 1 page - LPV 10/2007
Form: TSP-U-15, Change in Name for Separated Participant (10/2007) - 1 page - LPV 10/2007
Form: TSP-U-16, Exception to Spousal Requirements (10/2007) - 2 pages - LPV 6/2005
Form: TSP-U-17, Information Relating to Deceased Participant (5/2006) - 8 pages - LPV 6/2005
Form: TSP-U-20, Loan Application (10/2007) - 2 pages - LPV 10/2007
Form: TSP-U-41, Notification to TSP of Nonpay Status (10/2005) - 1 page - LPV Local Reproduction
Form: TSP-U-50, Investment Allocation (Form not available on this Web site) (5/2008) - LPV 5/2008
Form: TSP-U-60, Request for a Transfer Into the TSP (7/2008) - 4 pages - LPV 6/2003
Form: TSP-U-70, Request for Full Withdrawal (1/2008) - 8 pages - LPV 1/2008
Form: TSP-U-73, Change in Monthly Payments (1/2008) - 4 pages - LPV Local Reproduction
Form: TSP-U-75, Age-Based In-Service Withdrawal Request (1/2008) - 4 pages - LPV Local Reproduction
Form: TSP-U-76, Financial Hardship In-Service Withdrawal Request (2/2008) - 4 pages - LPV 2/2008
Form: TSP-U-77, Request for Partial Withdrawal When Separated (1/2008) - 4 pages - LPV 1/2008
Form: TSP-65, Request to Combine Uniformed Services and Civilian TSP Accounts (10/2007) - 2 pages - LPV 10/2007
Form: IRS Form W-4P, Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments (2008) - For 2008
Booklet: Summary of the Thrift Savings Plan (8/2005) - 27 pages - LPV 8/2005
Booklet: Managing Your Account (7/2008) - 21 pages - LPV 7/2008
Booklet: Loans (6/2006) - 19 pages - LPV 6/2006
Booklet: TSP In-Service Withdrawals (7/2008) - 24 pages - LPV 7/2008
Booklet: Withdrawing Your TSP Account After Leaving Federal Service (6/2007) - 25 pages - LPV 6/2007
Booklet: Court Orders and Powers of Attorney (6/2008) - 28 pages - LPV 6/2008
Booklet: Death Benefits (6/2008) - 6 pages - LPV 6/2008
Fact Sheet: Annual Limit on Elective Deferrals (11/2007) - 5 pages - Local Reproduction
Fact Sheet: Catch-Up Contributions (6/2008) - 2 pages - Local Reproduction
Fact Sheet: Effect of Nonpay Status on TSP Participation (5/2005) - 4 pages - Local Reproduction
Fact Sheet: Important Information Regarding Transfers From the Thrift Savings Plan to Eligible Retirement Plans (3/2007) - 2 pages - Local Reproduction
Fact Sheet: Is the TSP Offering a Roth 401(k) Plan? (2/2006) - 1 pages
Fact Sheet: The Thrift Savings Plan and IRAs (4/2002) - 2 pages - Local Reproduction
Fact Sheet: Calculating Periodic Returns and Compound Annual Returns (01/2006) - 2 pages - Local Reproduction
Fact Sheet: Bankruptcy Information Petitions filed on or after October 17, 2005 (10/2005) - 2 pages - Local Reproduction
Fact Sheet: Bankruptcy Information Petitions filed before October 17, 2005 (10/2005) - 2 pages
Fact Sheet: Authentication of Documents (3/2008) - 1 page - Local Reproduction
Fact Sheet: Your Shares in the TSP Funds (7/2008) - 2 pages - Local Reproduction
Fact Sheet: Statutory Exemption of the Thrift Savings Plan from Levy (3/2007) - 1 page - Local Reproduction
Fact Sheet: TSP Benefits That Apply to Members of the Military Who Return to Federal Civilian Service (3/2002) - 4 pages - Local Reproduction
Legal Document: Form: Special Power of Attorney (7/2007) - 1 page - LPV N/A
Legal Document: Sample Legal Process: Order for Garnishment of a TSP Account (12/2006) - 1 page - LPV N/A
Legal Document: Sample: Retirement Benefits Court Order (6/2003) - 2 pages - LPV N/A
Legal Document: Court Orders and Powers of Attorney (12/2006) - 28 pages - LPV 12/2006
Tax Notice: Important Tax Information About Payments From Your TSP Account (2/2008) - 4 pages - LPV 2/2008
Tax Notice: Important Tax Information About Your TSP Withdrawal and Required Minimum Distributions (1/2008) - 8 pages - LPV 2/2008
Tax Notice: Tax Treatment of TSP Payments Made Under Qualifying Orders (2/2008) - 3 pages - LPV 2/2008
Tax Notice: Important Tax Information About TSP Death Benefit Payments (2/2008) - 2 pages - LPV 2/2008
Tax Notice: Tax Information for TSP Participants Who Request Changes in Monthly Payments (2/2008) - 2 pages - LPV 2/2008
Tax Notice: Tax Treatment of TSP Payments to Nonresident Aliens and Their Beneficiaries (6/2006) - 7 pages - LPV 7/2004
Leaflet: One Perfect Match (9/2006) - 4 pages - LPV-NA
Leaflet: Making the Right Move! TSP Withdrawals (10/2007) - 4 pages - LPV 10/2007
Leaflet: Start on the Right Track (9/2006) - 3 pages - LPV-NA
Leaflet: Web/ThriftLine Information Card (7/2008) - 2 pages - LPV 1/2008
Leaflet: A Guide to Understanding Your TSP Participant Statement (10/2007) - 3 pages - LPV 10/2007
Leaflet: For the proud parents of our heroes..... (3/2007) - 4 pages
Leaflet: You're here for us today...We'll be there for you tomorrow (4/2006) - 4 pages
Misc. Document: The Cost of TSP Loans (5/2001) - 2 pages - Local Reproduction
Misc. Document: Loan Payment Coupon (10/2007) - 1 page - Local Reproduction
Misc. Document: TSP Fund Information Sheets (5/2008) 16 pages - LPV 5/2008
Misc. Document: Order Form for Complimentary Copy of TSP Video (12/2005) - 1 page - LPV N/A
Misc. Document: TSP 2008 Spring Poster - "Here's to Your Health and Your Wealth"
Misc. Document: 2007 and 2006 Financial Statements of the Thrift Savings Fund (4/2008) - 7 pages - LPV N/A
Annuity Material: Interest Adjustment Factor (4/2006)
Annuity Material: Monthly Annuity Factor (4/2006)
Annuity Material: Annuity Worksheet (4/2006) - 2 pages
Highlights: July 2008
Highlights: April 2008
Highlights: January/February 2008
Highlights: October 2007
Highlights: July 2007
Highlights: April 2007
Highlights: January 2007
Highlights: October 2006
Highlights: July 2006
Highlights: April 2006
Highlights: January 2006
Highlights: October 2005
Highlights: July 2005
Highlights: April 2005
Highlights: January 2005