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    There are a total of 1500 record(s) matching your query.
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    Annoyance and acceptability judgements of noise produced by three types of aircraft by residents living near JFK Airport

    Author(s): Borsky, P. N.
    Abstract: A random sample of selected communities near JFK Airport were interviewed. Subsamples, with differing feelings of fear of aircraft crashes and different locations of residence were invited to participate in a laboratory ...
    NASA Center: NASA (non Center Specific)
    Publication Year: 1974
    Added to NTRS: 2008-09-12
    Accession Number: 75N17092; Document ID: 19750009020; Report Number: NASA-CR-142108

    Mental workload measurement: Event-related potentials and ratings of workload and fatigue

    Author(s): Biferno, M. A.
    Abstract: Event-related potentials were elicited when a digitized word representing a pilot's call-sign was presented. This auditory probe was presented during 27 workload conditions in a 3x3x3 design where the following variables ...
    NASA Center: NASA (non Center Specific)
    Publication Year: 1985
    Added to NTRS: 2008-08-13
    Accession Number: 85N26139; Document ID: 19850017828; Report Number: NAS 1.26:177354, NASA-CR-177354

    A Review of Training Methods and Instructional Techniques: Implications for Behavioral Skills Training in U.S. Astronauts

    Author(s): Hysong, Sylvia J.; Galarza, Laura; Holland, Albert W.
    Abstract: Long-duration space missions place on crewmembers unique physical, environmental, and psychological demands that directly affect their ability to live and work in space. A growing body of research on crews working for ...
    NASA Center: Johnson Space Center
    Publication Year: 2007
    Added to NTRS: 2008-08-08
    Document ID: 20070022270; Report Number: NASA/TP-2007-213726, S-986

    Parameter estimation in linear models of the human operator in a closed loop with application of deterministic test signals

    Author(s): Vanlunteren, A.; Stassen, H. G.
    Abstract: Parameter estimation techniques are discussed with emphasis on unbiased estimates in the presence of noise. A distinction between open and closed loop systems is made. A method is given based on the application of external ...
    NASA Center: NASA (non Center Specific)
    Publication Year: 1973
    Added to NTRS: 2008-08-05
    Accession Number: 75N19149; Document ID: 19750011077

    Sensitivity of a critical tracking task to alcohol impairment

    Author(s): Tennant, J. A.; Thompson, R. R.
    Abstract: A first order critical tracking task is evaluated for its potential to discriminate between sober and intoxicated performances. Mean differences between predrink and postdrink performances as a function of BAC are analyzed. ...
    NASA Center: NASA (non Center Specific)
    Publication Year: 1973
    Added to NTRS: 2008-08-05
    Accession Number: 75N19143; Document ID: 19750011071

    A linear stochastic model of the human operator

    Author(s): Durrett, J. C.
    Abstract: A linear stochastic model of the human operator is developed and applied to the problem of piloted control of an aircraft. The pilot and aircraft are modeled as linear time-invariant systems containing both process and ...
    NASA Center: NASA (non Center Specific)
    Publication Year: 1973
    Added to NTRS: 2008-08-05
    Accession Number: 75N19160; Document ID: 19750011088

    Modeling the behavior of the helmsman steering a ship

    Author(s): Veldhuyzen, W.; Stassen, H. G.
    Abstract: A supertanker is considered as a nonlinear system which responds very slowly to changes in the rudder position. Moreover this type of ship is often unstable in loaded condition. In order to model the helmsman's behavior, a ...
    NASA Center: NASA (non Center Specific)
    Publication Year: 1973
    Added to NTRS: 2008-08-05
    Accession Number: 75N19157; Document ID: 19750011085

    Identification of human operator performance models utilizing time series analysis

    Author(s): Holden, F. M.; Shinners, S. M.
    Abstract: The results of an effort performed by Sperry Systems Management Division for AMRL in applying time series analysis as a tool for modeling the human operator are presented. This technique is utilized for determining the ...
    NASA Center: NASA (non Center Specific)
    Publication Year: 1973
    Added to NTRS: 2008-08-05
    Accession Number: 75N19150; Document ID: 19750011078

    The effects of display variables and secondary loading on the dual axis critical task performance

    Author(s): Swisher, G. M.; Nataraj, S.
    Abstract: The effects of scanning displays for separated instruments, separated versus combined displays, and the effects of secondary loading are investigated. An operator rating scale for handling qualities is established analogous ...
    NASA Center: NASA (non Center Specific)
    Publication Year: 1973
    Added to NTRS: 2008-08-05
    Accession Number: 75N19148; Document ID: 19750011076

    Visually induced sensations of motion

    Author(s): Young, L. R.; Dichgans, J. M.; Oman, C. M.
    Abstract: Modeling the visual and vestibular information integration process in humans was studied to determine the implications of these models with respect to requirements for flight simulation. The interaction between visual ...
    NASA Center: NASA (non Center Specific)
    Publication Year: 1973
    Added to NTRS: 2008-08-05
    Accession Number: 75N19142; Document ID: 19750011070

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    NASA Official: Calvin Mackey
    Page Curator: NASA Center for AeroSpace Information (
    Last Updated: July 5, 2007