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MOD 28 - Sea Surface Temperature

This Level 2 and 3 product provides sea surface temperature at 1-km (Level 2) and 4.6 km, 36 km, and 1° (Level 3) resolutions over the global oceans. In addition, a quality-assessment parameter is included for each pixel. The Level 2 product is produced daily and consists of global day and night coverage every 24 hours. It is used to generate the gridded Level 3 products daily, 8-day weekly, monthly, and yearly for day and night conditions. A quality parameter is provided for each data set.


Affiliated Team Member: 

Affiliated Discipline: Ocean

Data Provider Description: Ocean Color Data Processing System

Non-Technical Description: No

EOS Data Description (PDF): Yes

Product Quality History: Yes

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Curator: Brandon Maccherone
NASA Official: Shannell Cardwell

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