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Jump Back in Time Western Expansion & Reform (1829-1859)
Battle of the Alamo
Battle of the Alamo, Mexicans and Texans fight to the death

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%%hunt_margin%% Mexican General Antonio López de Santa Anna Recaptured the Alamo
March 6, 1836

Do you know why Americans remember the Alamo? In 1836, 184 Texans fought the Mexican Army from inside an old mission chapel known as the Alamo. Texans fighting for independence from Mexico had seized the structure and sent Mexican troops away from San Antonio the previous December. Colonel James Bowie and Colonel William B. Travis commanded the small force defending the Alamo, including the famous backwoodsman Davy Crockett.

The Mexican army, led by General Antonio López de Santa Anna had been ordered to recapture the Alamo and take no prisoners.

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