Radiosonde Data for: ACE-1

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Sonde Information
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  • VESSEL: NOAA Ship Discoverer
  • DEPARTED: Seattle, Washington on 12 October, 1995
  • VIA:
    • Honolulu, Hawaii 20 October, 1995
    • Hobart, Australia, 9-15 November, 1995
  • ARRIVED: Hobart, Australia, 13 December, 1995

Radiosonde Plot Setup for Transit-Leg--ByLatitude

Latitude Limits Altitude Limits
max altitude = 25 Km

Start:  Bottom:  Km
Top:  Km
Overlay Horizontal Wind Vectors
No Wind Vectors
Plot Parameter
Relative Humidity
Potential Temperature
Water Vapor Mixing Ratio
East Wind Component
North Wind Component
Wind Speed
Dew Point Temperature
Use Smooth Contours 
Use Rectangular Color Shade
Use Default Contour Levels
Use Custom Contour Levels (below)


U.S.Dept of Commerce / NOAA / OAR / PMEL / Atmospheric Chemistry