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This information is provided as a courtesy only and in no manner implies any type of endorsement by NASA for any product or services that these organizations may provide.

These organizations, both profit and non-profit, provide services which may be useful to you as an existing or potential NASA SBIR/STTR firm. These services include acquistion information, commercialization consulting, proposal development, and technology partnering, among others. If you would like to learn more of what they offer, please click on the links provided. Many organizations also provide course work and seminars on preparing SBIR/STTR proposals. If you are interested in finding out more about such activities, please consult our SBIR/STTR Courses and Seminars.

Please note that this list does not include any engineering or technical service firms. If you are interested in such services, it is suggested that you contact the field centers for additional help.

State Small Business Technical Assistance Programs.

Carl Nelson Consulting helps high-tech startups get and use SBIR, especially companies bent on commercializing.

Dawnbreaker is a professional services firm providing commercialization assistance to advanced technology firms and their investors. Dawnbreaker specializes in business planning, market research, and negotiations using a unique blend of individualized mentoring, training seminars, and consulting.

Fred S. Patterson Consulting The SBIR Coach provides guidance and support for the SBIR and STTR process at every level. Leveraging his 17+ years of SBIR experience, including much with NASA's program, Fred, as your "been there - done that" SBIR Coach, will ensure that your SBIR related efforts will be up to your full potential, that your likelihood of securing funding will be enhanced, and that your management of the resulting contracts will be hassle free.

IpCapital Group, Inc. offers a full suite of intellectual property (IP) services to convert unrealized intellectual capital into tangible, manageable assets rapidly and efficiently by extracting and documenting invention, identifying opportunity and risk, and creating significant market value. They ensure that both the unrealized intellectual capital as well as all current IP assets of a client are integrated and turned into a powerful ipPortfolioSM collection spanning trade secrets, patents, provisional applications, defensive publications, know-how, and processes.

JADE Research has been the leading commercial supplier of resources to the SBIR / STTR (Small Business Innovative Research/Small Business Technology Transfer) communities since 1993. JADE Research has pioneered the use of special, non-traditional software for the SBIR/STTR Programs.

Innovation Center is a not-for-profit resource center for technology based businesses. They provide a video on the SBIR program, consulting and referrals on proposal preparation and submission.

Performance Improvement International is a full service company in the area of reducing unexpected performance problems, regardless of the sources or symptoms of the problems. PII's strategy in problem reduction uses an integrated approach, i.e., prevention, detection, and correction with state-of-the-art technology.

Small Business High Technology Institute offers resources on tutorials about the SBIR process, preliminary steps in the SBIR proposal preparation process, direct links to the web sites of all participating federal SBIR Departments and Agencies.



If you represent an SBIR/STTR-related service organization and would like to be included in this list, please contact the NASA Program Manager via email and include your name, the organization you represent, email address and the URL of your web site.


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Curator: Samidha Manu
NASA Official: Carl G. Ray

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