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Mission to Mars' north poloar region Phoenix Mars Lander
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Martian dust devilNASA's Phoenix Lander Sees, Feels Martian Whirlwinds in Action
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has photographed several dust devils dancing across the arctic plain this week and sensed a dip in air pressure as one passed near the lander.
+ Read more (September 11)
'Snow White' trenchNext Mars Soil Scoop Slated for Last of Lander's Wet Lab Cells
The next soil sample that NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander will deliver to its deck instruments will go to the fourth of the four cells of Phoenix's wet chemistry laboratory, according to the Phoenix team's current plans.
+ Read more (September 09)
Clumps on leg strut beneath PhoenixPhoenix Monitors Frosty Clumps on its Struts
The latest look underneath NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander shows growth of clumps that are adhering to a leg strut.
+ Full image and caption (September 08)
fork-like conductivity probe on PhoenixSpiky Probe on NASA Mars Lander Raises Vapor Quandary
A fork-like conductivity probe has sensed humidity rising and falling beside Phoenix, but when stuck into the ground, its measurements so far indicate soil that is thoroughly and perplexingly dry.
+ Read more (September 04)
Ice Clouds in Martian Arctic (Accelerated Movie)Analysis Begins on Deepest Soil Sample
Scientists have begun to analyze a sample of soil delivered to NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander's wet chemistry experiment from the deepest trench dug so far in the Martian arctic plains.
+ Read more (September 01)

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