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Graphic-rich dislocation and stress transfer software
measuring GPS in the field

Where is it and what do we seek to know?

The Basin and Range Province is a high elevation, internally drained region of the western United States that is currently experiencing active tectonic deformation (Figure 1). The province extends south through Arizona and into Mexico, and north into Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. The region is actively extending in the East/West direction. In other words, the state of California moves away from Colorado, (roughly "stable" North America) at approximately 1 cm/year.

Our group uses extremely precise space-based geodetic methods, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) to measure these tiny tectonic motions of the Earth's crust. Currently we can measure velocities as small as a few millimeters per year.

map of GPS benchmarks

Figure 1 (96 kb). Shown are locations were data is being collected in GPS campaigns (red triangles). We concentrate our measurements in regions of active deformation, i.e. where the continent is changing shape the fastest. Also our arrays are quasi-linear, crossing active geologic strucutures in order to maximize the amount of deformation seen. The dotted line shows the approximate perimeter of the Basin and Range

The scientific objectives of our research include the detailed mapping of velocities throughout the Basin and Range, and other tectonically interesting portions of the West. With these geodetic measurements we can identify and characterize the regions that are actively deforming. This will allow us to better constrain seismic hazard in the interior western US where geodetic data is currently sparse, and will contribute to our understanding of the reasons for the deformation. For example, GPS velocity measurements can assess how far the tractions from the Pacific plate are transferred into North America. See the enclosed paper by Thatcher et al, [1999] for greater detail.

This effort will be complemented by quantitative modeling of the crustal deformation. For example, the use of finite element analysis provides a means of applying physical constraints to the problem of inferring Earth properties from a geodetic signal. This allows us to rigorously test models for Earth processes against the observations.


This work is done in conjunction with a multi-institution initiative known as The Plate Boundary Observatory whose goal is to evaluate the deformation the entire Pacific/North American plate boundary in unprecedented detail and scope. Our work has been funded by NASA's Solid Earth & Natural Hazards Program and the USGS's National Earthquake Hazards Program.